Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Hello 2016

Bismillah. Assalamualaikum.

Selamat Tahun 2016!

How was your last five days of new year? Semoga semua selamat dan dipermudahkan dan dalam rahmat kasih sayang Allah. =)

Sab nak inform ni.. that on 17th January... i am going to change this blog name to BubblySabrina. So the new URL will be bubblysabrina.blogspot.com

This is an early notice so you could do the needful like updating my blog URL in your bloglist perhaps? Hihi. Itupun kalau anda masih ingin follow blog hamba yg tak seberapa ni..huhu.

17th January adalah sempena hari kelahiran Arwah Hanafee. 31 tahun. Ya Allah rahmatilah rohnya Hanafee Abdul Rahman. Amiin.

Anyway... my 2015 was full of ups downs.. which is normal and semua org pun begitu. Being me.. i always wanna focus and remember beautiful things. Negative thoughts are there, lumrah manusia, don't we all have it? Nevertheless.. I force myself to find and see the good side of everything. No matter how sad or shameful some situations were.. i view it as lessons from Allah. And so Alhamdulillah. *smiles*

So apa yg beautiful things nye dalam tahun 2015 tu?
Ini diaaaa:
  1. Jan 2015. Started to pay for new house. Cari pasal tambah hutang besar elok elok hutang sikit je. Haha. Takpelah. This is a good debt kan? Hihi. In sha Allah by end Q1 2016 akan dapat kunci.
  2. March 2015. Registered as UEG Network Dealer. Dapat upah 10 dirham buat ebook UEG.
  3. Mar 2015. Anniversary of me being a stokist susu kambing of Mummylicious. Still able to jual walaupun jarang promote online. Huhu
  4. April 2015. Hanee turns two! Small family celebration kat rumah. And funny thing was rupanya design kek yg dipilih sama dgn yg masa umur 1 tahun! Hahaha. Apelah mommy ni!
  5. April 2015. Arrival of "The Ha? Pilot." Hihi.
  6. May 2015. Created a Witty Bubbly Nerdy facebook page. Kononnya nak promote emas, susu and preloved items di situ. 
  7. May 2015. My younger brother's convocation in Melaka. We stayed in Melaka. Hotel ape ntah lupa namanya. Hanee seronok mandi swimming pool. 
  8. June 2015. Err.. i forgot what happened. Haha. Owh. It's Ramadhan. 
  9. July 2015. Raya in Paklong's. Subang Galaxy. 
  10. Aug 2015. Departure of "The Ha? Pilot." Safe journey you! *winks*
  11. Aug 2015. My younger brother got married to his wife; Yati. And rupanya Yati's sister was my senior in high school SSI. Haha. What a small world!
  12. Aug 2015. Mother-Daughter Love-Hate relationship; heartbreaking dispute.
  13. Sep 2015. Went to ESQ165. Boss UEG sponsor. Emotional Spiritual. Mendidik Allah Iman Islam dalam hati. 
  14. Sep 2015. My parents went for Hajj.
  15. Sep 2015. A rainbow knocks on my door. Hihi. 
  16. Sep 2015. Angry bird park! Hanee and w.i.w.
  17. Oct 2015. Went to high school SSI just to visit my favorite teachers; Cikgu Shakir and Pn. Kalthom. Cikgu cikgu lain ramai dah pindahh.. =( I miss cikgu ujang.. cikgu wan and cikgu Naimas.. 
  18. Oct 2015. Parents back from Hajj safely despite many sad news. Alhamdulillah
  19. Nov 2015. First time keluarkan zakat emas. Alhamdulillah. 
  20. Nov 2015. Cari pokok, fish feeding and bubbles! Hanee and w.i.w.
  21. Dec 2015. My younger sister pulak got married. I now have BIL and SIL. Welcome to our funny crazy family, Yati and Taufik. =) 

Whooaa. Panjang list. I am sure there are many more cuma tak ter-retrieve at this moment. Hihi. 

I suggest you list them down too so we can be grateful for everything. Bersyukur masih diberi nyawa..nikmat tidak terhingga.. Alhamdulillah.. moga kita menjadi lebih baik tahun 2016 ini.

Walau apa pun yang terjadi.. baik atau buruk.. percayalah semua itu tidak sia-sia dan ada hikmahnya. =)
