Thursday, October 15, 2015

Muharam 1437

Bismillah. Assalamualaikum.

Hellew! How are u? Yes you, who read this. *winks* Hopefully you are in pink of health.

Hanee and I are doing good. Alhamdulillah.
My baby girl is 2 years 6 months now.. sudah pandai memberi arahan kepada mak nya. "Mommy, buat susu hanee." Amboiiiii. Bossy little daughter! Hahaha. And so far... masih belum bertanya tentang Daddy nya. Fuh. I haven't prepared the answers mannn... haha. 

Last few days... i commented on a friend's instagram.. and she said she kept on re reading this blog.. as she misses it. *terharu*

I miss this blog and writing too, z. I do... your response in that IG became a pushing factor... and so here i am...writing this. Thank you for not giving up on us. *smiles*

I miss all of you.. Alhamdulillah some of you readers  i still keep in touch with... either loudly or silently.. by scrolling down your instagram's pictures or reading your tweets. Haha. Gotcha!

Anyway...i would like to take this opportunity to say.. Selamat Tahun Hijriah 1437... today is 2nd Muharam. Semoga kita semua diberi kekuatan utk melakukan penghijrahan ke arah lebih baik. Semoga Allah tutup jaga keaiban kita...dan semoga dihapuskan dosa dosa kita yg lalu. Aminn.

4th Muharam 1437.. marks 3rd year Arwah being there. Mohon didoakan dihadiahkan Al Fatihah utk rohnya.. semoga tenang dan sejahtera di sana.
Pejam celik pejam celik dah 3 tahun rupanya i've been a single mother. And korang readers pun dah kahwin bagai and beranak pinak.. haha.

Wow. 3 years. I don't even know how do i manage it..huhu. I thank Allah. Alhamdulillah. And my families and friends.... yg byk bagi support. Not an easy path i tell you..despite all those supports... sometimes i still face hari hari yg mendung jatuh down giler tak tau nak cakap kat siapa... but Alhamdulillah.. all of these are what makes me who i am today. =)

So...cheers to the 1437! 

Let's move forward and make happy memories with loved ones!

For those who are still single.. make a goal to get a spouse darlings! It's awesome. Haha

For those who have husband/wife... appreciate wild.. be crazy.. and dont forget to say u love each other everyday.

And pls pray for me too. I am single. Hahahaha. 



Monday, February 2, 2015


Cuba tengok title? Jeng jeng jeng.....
That's my new baby.
It would be a miracle if I am pregnant right now. Haha.
So yeah, it's not a human baby or baby darling lovey dovey. No no no no.
It is my new blog that I told you about in previous post.

Introducing to you people !
*updates: I've changed the URL to


Since I just ventured into gold saving, soon trading and networking. InsyaAllah. So, the blog is about Gold (for now) where I share my experience, knowledge, opinions and information. Everything that is Gold related.

So, if you are into Gold or wanting to learn about that valuable creation of God, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit the blog and read. Oh, and it is in Bahasa. =)

I appreciate your support!

So what about this blog? I will still update it. Don't worry darlings.... =) This is where I pour my heart out. Eceh eceh. I don't pour all, anyway. Hehe.

See ya in next update!


Thursday, January 8, 2015



How is your 2015 so far? Hope it is still not too late for me to say Happy New Year!
While you are still in first month of Quarter 1, i am already in the third month. My new year started in Muharram and now it's already Rabi'ul Awal. Hihi.

Am planning to open a new blog. It's gonna be about these two categories: Gold and Goat! hahaha. No am not kidding, i am serious. Then am gonna expand to other categories.
The blog will be in Bahasa with Knowledge theme. I need to open it soon as Time is Money Gold. *winks*

So with this news...can you guess what is my new year resolutions?

Stay tuned for my new baby blog!

p/s: I will still be maintaining this Hanafee Sabrina, though. =)
