Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bombs, deaths & babies

Today seven people were killed in a suicide bombing done by militant fanatic Iraq/Islam extrimists. 70 others were badly injured in a bombing strategized against people of same their same religion and faith with different political ideas. I quote "...women and children were amongst the victims and fatalities numbers are expected to rise." Expected to rise.........

For those who are not familiar with newspapers terms and ideas, "expected to rise" means that they have already had an estimation of how many people were reportedly killed in the bombing, and that number is a first indication, an introduction if you have to say, but this number is not true. They see the dead bodies and they touch seven pulses in order to check whether there is pulse and decided only seven died and the other bodies has yet to be establish to be dead. They might be seriously injured and unconcious. The number is expected to rise. We read about these things everyday in the newspaper. People, men and women, going out to suicide missions where they kill the people around them in the name of their so called God. NO GOD lets people kill each other especially those who are of the same religion. No God allows killing for any reason except if you are at threat.

We hear and read about it everyday, but let me make you think for a while how much we really care for it. TV3 news covered this story for 3 minutes, the star took 1 tenth of a page and there were no sources quoted. In the telvision it was somewhere between the weather and business news. That was it. Today we lost seven muslim lives, we pray for them, today we lost children of islam, and we pray for them, today we sent men to hell because they believed they were doing it for islam. Today we realize that people have distorted this interpretation of our sacred religion into a twisted reason and tool for murder. Yesterday we lost an innocent girl to the growing society of violence. And today we lost seven others, and it barely made the news.

We think that because it happens half away across the globe, it does not affect us. But it does. If us, Muslims, make the daily news for killing people of our own faith and religion, regardless of the fact that we know that our religion is pure, then we have actually desecrated the purity of our religion. We ourselves have desecrated it because we believe that what happens to a Muslims in another country has nothing to do with us.

Today, seven people died, and what we cared about was whether a meeting was going to end early. Today seven people died and all we did today was catch another movie. Today seven people were murdered, and all i can do is write and pray for them. I pray these fanatics stop their wrong interpretation of our religion. I pray these seven souls a place in the heavens of god so they shall get their place in heaven because of their suffering. The heavens cries again today for our people. For us.

In two days, our world in which God had made so much effort of creating, has made the angels and heavens cry twice in two days. Yet we kill ourselves and our people because we are different. Today i pray i dont have to see my kids buried in front of me because of bombs. Today i pray for these seven souls angels will hopefuly guide to heaven. Today we sweat for something else, today our heroes were cowards, today we are not man... we were animals. Pray for them... and us..... ourselves. God bless them....

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