I haven't had time to blog for some time now. Thank God summer always have time to update the blog even if to just promote free handbags (Thanks sweety)
The main reason i am writing this blog is because i want to welcome my youngest brother to the blogging world. He now has a blog!!!! A friendster blog but im sure he'll change to blogger or blogspot anytime soon. Anyway, i had always mentioned to him that he should blog, its a wonderful experience to be able to write and leave comments and let you opinions be heard and in truth he has some of the best ideas i have ever heard. I am as happy as a pigeon that he finally chose to pick up blogging and giving him a chance to have his voice heard.
A notice to my brother, Khairery Abdul Rahman, You will find many things in the blogging world where people would comment on your writing and some might even ridicule you... but dont listen to them... You write the way you wanna write, you write about what you wanna write... what matters most is that you are happy with how you write... if youre not happy then work harder write more and try more... You have greatness in you and you deserve every bit of greatness as long as you try for it... Keep writing brother... if you promise to keep writing i promise to keep reading!!!!!
For everyone, my brothers blog can be found here at this URL
Do drop by and leave him a comment, there is no greater pleasure in the blogging world than to welcome a new blogger with new ideas and profound writing skills.
1 comment:
yo. been here thru YS. happy blogging to ur brother. i'm also just started blogging last month. come n visit mine too (",)y
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