15 December 2008
Internship started.
How was my first day? - Ok
And second day? - Good
Details? - Will be updated by Shuwa.
Lots of info for the first day
I had to squeeze my eyes and mind to remember key words
and colleagues' names.
Oh, we are assigned to Commissioning Department,
under Database Section
which means we will play with databases a lot!!
Aja aja fighting!!!
Night night.
Need to sleep early.
Need to wake up early.
written by,Internship started.
How was my first day? - Ok
And second day? - Good
Details? - Will be updated by Shuwa.
Lots of info for the first day
I had to squeeze my eyes and mind to remember key words
and colleagues' names.
Oh, we are assigned to Commissioning Department,
under Database Section
which means we will play with databases a lot!!
Aja aja fighting!!!
Night night.
Need to sleep early.
Need to wake up early.
aku jugak kne cter pjg2..tp nnti2 r.. aku tgh dok mengalter keje ptg tadi...
tggu la ntry pjg dr aku ye smua.. hahaha... gelak2 keji~
ko tahu, apa aku blaja d SDE 2 arine sab? keje.. keje.. tnpa rasa jemu...
semakin byk kter berusaha... smkn dkt kter ngn Allah..
aku bersyukur dkelilingi oleh orang2 yang bgitu.. hu3... kluar topik kah? hahaha
when u start working every day is brain squeezing!!
g0od luck babe!
good luck...keje rajin2...
gud lux sab..hehe..
terima kasih semua!!! Semoga kita semua berjaya!! amin. =)
Good Luck dear... =)
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