Saturday, September 19, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya!!

pictures from dallapaperie

Selamat Hari Raya from us!!
Hanafee & Sabrina
1 Syawal 1430 Hijrah
Kedah & Johor
(lokasi terperinci terpaksa dirahsiakan. Haha poyo)
Semoga kita semua dapat berjumpa lagi dengan Ramadhan akan datang. Amin.

p/s: Misi Sabrina di bulan Syawal adalah menggemukkan badan.
Harap semua beri sokongan dan bantuan nasihat. Sekian. Hehe.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A New Kind of Fanaticsm

Today something weird happened. It wasnt that weird to me but all the people around me found it really weird that it happened. I was sitting in a review meeting of what is to be presented during a in-company training session and at which point i discovered that i had not brought a pen. With as much cool-ness s possible i reached out to a yellow pen from across the table from me and opened the cap.

What happened next caught me off guard. I was amazingly impressed by how well the pen felt in my hand. I felt like i could write the world on it. Then i realized the tip of the pen. Its like the picture above. And i loved it. After the meeting i gave the pen back, but i loved how it felt in my hand so much and how it wrote so well i actually gathered enough courage to ask.

"Saya nak pen tu boleh? Saya beli dari awak bleh tak?"

And everyone who heard me turned around and made faces. I didnt think it was weird. Then i remembered, not everyone is a writer. Not everyone writes in a journal and have found from time to time how pens can be so unreliable. How a pen that feels weird in your hands makes you feel like NOT writing. And hence my admiration for the pen or for pens in general. None the less, i didnt get the pen. I wish i had a pen just like that, but the guy told me it costs like a hundred something, which is way too much money anyone should spend on a pen. Once i have some extra money though its the first thing on my I-Want-List. Buhbye people!!!

p/s - Im sorry i havent had time to update the blog and seems like Sabrinas the only making this place a warm place to visit. None the less. Holidays are coming up and will try to write more. Sabrina should be writing the Selamat hari Raya post any day now, but if im not there when she writes it, Selamat Hari Raya people!!!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Things can change

I'm good with change that I can control and adapt to....
but sometimes change scares the devil out of me!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Embroidery hoops

Embroidery hoops = Gelung sulaman. Most of us never thought of using them for decoration, kan? Embroidery hoops can be interesting too!! =)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Puisi buat adik tercinta. eceh eceh.

Malam ini
akan pergi, seorang ahli
merentasi awan langit tinggi
ke tanah yang jauh dari sini

Meskipun sedih berselit gembira
kami faham ini adalah rezeki dari Nya
akan doakan kamu sentiasa
sihat sejahtera, selamat dan berjaya

peluang begini jangan sia-siakan
dapatkan pengalaman, galilah ilmu pengetahuan
bayangkan segulung ijazah perubatan di tangan
kamu boleh dan mampu lakukan
kami percaya ia akan jadi kenyataan

namun, rezeki begini kadangkala melalaikan
oleh itu, tolong jangan lupa Tuhan
juga keluarga yang jauh dari pandangan
agar segalanya dalam keberkatan

Akhir sekali
Ingat tau pesan akak ni
Walaupun skema tapi memang dari hati
Saja je buat rangkap last macam ini
Agar awak geli hati

Nilai. 8.47am.

p/s: Puisi ini untuk Angah. Akak sayang awak. Malu nak cakap depan-depan. Haha =)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Trivial Update 2

As cliche as this may sound, I miss this HanafeeSabrina.

Reason for not updating this blog...

I am totally busy. (mcm biasa, cliche again but that's the truth) Seriously.
Hanafee lagi la busy. We are in a mess. Even Hanafee & me hardly talk nowadays (Ini untuk menggambarkan betapa sibuknya kami). But No. Our relationship is just fine. Thank you. *smiles*

Whatever it is.
You people, do keep on blogging k? (eceh eceh, mcm ramai followers. Padahal bape org je baca. Haha!) I promise i'll keep on reading your blogs and commenting when i take a break. (Kak Noi, pakailah xml template!!! senang nak masuk dalam reader!! Haish. =P)

Ok ok. sudah lewat ini. dah kul 6.40am. Kene bersiram. 7.15 sudah kena pergi bekerja.

Bye Bye!!

Alamak baru sedar takde gambar!! Ahh.. biarlah! Bye again!