Today something weird happened. It wasnt that weird to me but all the people around me found it really weird that it happened. I was sitting in a review meeting of what is to be presented during a in-company training session and at which point i discovered that i had not brought a pen. With as much cool-ness s possible i reached out to a yellow pen from across the table from me and opened the cap.
What happened next caught me off guard. I was amazingly impressed by how well the pen felt in my hand. I felt like i could write the world on it. Then i realized the tip of the pen. Its like the picture above. And i loved it. After the meeting i gave the pen back, but i loved how it felt in my hand so much and how it wrote so well i actually gathered enough courage to ask.
"Saya nak pen tu boleh? Saya beli dari awak bleh tak?"
And everyone who heard me turned around and made faces. I didnt think it was weird. Then i remembered, not everyone is a writer. Not everyone writes in a journal and have found from time to time how pens can be so unreliable. How a pen that feels weird in your hands makes you feel like NOT writing. And hence my admiration for the pen or for pens in general. None the less, i didnt get the pen. I wish i had a pen just like that, but the guy told me it costs like a hundred something, which is way too much money anyone should spend on a pen. Once i have some extra money though its the first thing on my I-Want-List. Buhbye people!!!
p/s - Im sorry i havent had time to update the blog and seems like Sabrinas the only making this place a warm place to visit. None the less. Holidays are coming up and will try to write more. Sabrina should be writing the Selamat hari Raya post any day now, but if im not there when she writes it, Selamat Hari Raya people!!!!!
hoho...a pen cost that expensive..no wonder u felt like you could write the world with it
anyway, yes kadang2 pen yang tak best boleh membuat kan seseorang tak nak menulis.but i'm no writer,dah lama tak tulis karangan pakai pen.asyik type je =)
selamat hari raya to u n sabrina too~!!
nice pens are becoming a novelty nowadays. haha.
selamat hari raya. ;)
yay! Sekarang dah tau dia nak apa. =)
Selamat Hari raya manje!!
Thank you Dheepan. Salam Muhibbah to you. ;)
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