I wonder.....if this one was sent by Hanafee, because he once said something like that too.
Hmmph. *wondering face* "Hey, ni awak send ek?" Hehe.
Anyway, whatever. But this card from postsecret makes me smile!! Boost up the confidence. Bubbly Pimply Dimply me! =P
To the girls who have pimples/acne. Come to think of this, if a guy likes you, then he likes you for YOU. =) Or maybe... erm.. your brain, or money or body?? Erk! But... ignore that for now. Let's think positive! =D
Nope didnt send it... but when i ws doing my weekly look at postsecret i instantly thought of you though *lol*
If a guy likes you he might like you for your wit, you hair, your laugh, your money or your body....
But when a guy loves you... he loves you for you :D
Sabarina? quite familiar whit this name.. herrmmm.. anyway, tq for dropping by.
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