My childhood friend got engaged yesterday. And i was excited like hell. The Pak Andam was 45minutes late. Aku pulak yang emo-emo walhal fazlina rilek-rilek je.. hehe.
Difficult times always lead to better days... and yesterday was one of the happiest days. =D
Congratulations Fazlina on your engagement!! May you and Iskandar last till heaven. Amin.
Owh, and welcome to the club! Hahah (Tak pedulik, nak cakap jugak!)
HAHAHAHA.. sempat lagi tu welcome to the club..
Selamat Bertunang buat Fazlina & bakal suami :)
kak noi! hehehe. apa khabar di sana?
kak noi bila lagi nak masuk club? hehehhe
thanx sab...*teary eyes*
pray for us...after all pain that I've gone tru..*sobs*~~
Amin.. =)
Alamak, calon dah takde la Sab.. doa2kan le cepat jodoh akak.. nnt akak join the club.. hihi..
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