Again i will write about the problem that everyone still face. From the youngest reader reading this, to the oldest reader available. It might get easier to face for the older and seasoned individual but for the young ones, its a matter of trying to get it right. The problem of making a choice.
For as long as i can remember, i have always wanted to have a masters degree and a phd. A doctrate in English literature, has always been a dream of mine. Dr. Hanafee Abdul Rahman. Blood makes me queasy so its only logical that i was going to have an academic phd. Where's the choice?? This is something that no one knows. For the past few months, i have been having doubts whether or not i want to pursue my oldest dream ever. As trivial to most as it would seem, right now i am having doubts of going on with my life-long plan ever since i was 12. I am actually thinking about working after my degree and save up some money to be able to do the things i wanna do. My head tells me:
"Are you nuts!!!!???? Youve wanted this ever since you could talk!!! youve wanted this longer than youve wanted a transformer figurine!!!"
and i wanna listen to it... but my heart is telling me....
"Someones waiting... can you really wait 6 more years? Maybe you can... but can she?? do you want her to wait that long?"
Most of you might be saying "He's throwing his future for a girl...." and some might say "He's being practical..." or "Thats sweet... shes so important to him..."
Why am i writing this down?? because... its been the only thing Ive been thinking about today... 600 years ago shakespeare wrote about the same thing i am writing about today, "To be or not to be...." and if shakespeare couldnt answer it... its only fair i dwell on this matter longer...
My brother once said, "When all else fails... go with your heart..."
Hopefully one day i will look back and dont regret the decision i make...
somewhere ages and ages hence...
two roads diverged in a yellow wood and i....
i took the one less traveled by...
and that has made all the difference..."
:) hope its the kind of different im going to like....
1 comment:
Hello~ I just can't help but to comment on this. Hope you made a wise decision :) Does it have to be a choice? You can pursue to further your masters and PHD. You can also pursue to further your relationship at the same time. I'm sure you're not alone in this. People have done it before and they had it great.
You know, there's a saying that goes, "it's easier to be said than done". But there's a counter to that. It goes like this,"you can do anything you set your mind to".
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