Yeap. We don’t have final exams this semester. It’s a good thing and a bad thing.
Good because we don’t have to squeeze our minds remembering this and that, in other words, no stress.
Bad because those with final exams can go back home earlier than us. Cait!!! But we, we are not allowed to go back till we submit the final hard-covered thesis.
The problem is we cannot send it to be hard-covered till we got our fyp’s results.
And the results cannot be announced till lecturers involved sit in a meeting for “permurnian markah” next week.

Sabarlah kawan-kawan,
Aku tau kamu, kamu, kamu semua dah bosan gila baban.
Oleh itu, mari… mari semua buat kraf-tangan
Atau keluar jalan jalan cari makan.
i will be grateful if i have such plenty of time like u..
c'mon, there are lots of thing can be done to kill the time...
internet could be helpful..
hangout with ur buddy..
mcm bleyh buat..
fyp meaning u're in the last year,aite?
mari kita jahit manik cm nenek jiji..kui3..
or psang khemah mcm shuwa...^^
jln2 le pa lagi..
tym camni la nak round kuantan puas2..
believe me..u gonna miss it!
otousan- internet? kami semua dah menghadap internet 24/7 , plus almost 4 years!!! mata sudah naik juling~~ @_@ huhuhuhu. so,na-ah, internet couldn't help. anyway, yeap. am in last year.
moon- bilik ni tukang jahit manik ada..outdoor freak freak ada (ini ko lah moon).. so aku nak jadik tukang kraf tangan lah. =P
kak noi- tak leh jalan la kak noi. poket tgh kering. =)
You could write :) plus youll get here soon and ill take you where ever you wanna go ok dear???? Love you
gewd luck for d fyp's result sab!!
pegi la jln2 sab..nnt mesti ko wndu kuantan cm aku..hihii
gila baban? apekah frasa itu?
itu panggilan terhadap aku?
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