- I don’t like it when there’s no toilet slipper. Can still tolerate.
- I don’t like it when there’s no hot/warm water. Can still tolerate.
- I don’t like it when there’s no tissue paper at public toilets or office toilets. Can still tolerate.
- I don’t like it when there’s no place or hook to hang clothes or towel. Can still tolerate.
- I don’t like it when the lighting is dim. Can still tolerate.
- I hate it when there’s lizard/frog/worms/roach in the toilet! TAK BOLEH TOLERATE! Nyamuk takpe.
- I HATE it when the toilet is dirty! Dirty stuff! Dirty wall! Dirty floor! Dirty sink!
- I HATE it when it stinks!
I LOVE it when the toilet is clean. Kecik sempit takpe. Takde bath tub pun takpe. Asalkan bersih. If colorful, lagilah suka! =D
I read somewhere tak ingat dah kat mana yang sounds like this - Salah satu cara untuk memupuk rasa merendah diri adalah dengan mencuci tandas di rumah sendiri.
And it saddens me if the people closest to me can’t keep the toilet clean.I judge people by their toilets. Yes.
Kalau masuk toilet busuk, dari good mood terus serta merta leh jadi bad mood.. haipppp
me too! sebab tu kalau pergi hotel or hostel, aku check toilet dulu. if pass ok, boleh tahan. if cannot tahan, perghhhhh, menanges dulu! hehe.
I always make sure our toilets clean but I just don't understand some people, maybe they're used to it kot? Takda initiative ke nak bersihkan??
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