I turn your face around! It is my face.
That frozen rage is what I must explored –
Oh secret, self-enclosed, and ravaged place!
This is the gift I thank Medusa for.
-May Sarton-
That frozen rage is what I must explored –
Oh secret, self-enclosed, and ravaged place!
This is the gift I thank Medusa for.
-May Sarton-
I am currently reading this book.
I don’t think there’s a book about MALE RAGE out there. And I wonder why. Maybe because there’s no one to write about it or maybe guys don’t have anger issue. But I doubt the latter since I’ve known quite a few male who don’t seem to know how to control their temper (eg: While driving or waiting). But well… it’s just a small number. And so, if there’s any male reader, please do comment on this. Why Male Rage book is not in market?
I believe rage is part of every man and woman. Not just female, but male. And so I agree with the authors but with a twist that we (male and female), have to know Anger, understand Anger, and use Anger (in positive way).
The book shows how rage can actually become a catalyst for the transformation both of the self and society. Rage is a gateway to self-assertion, psychological development and emotional well-being.
Dear girls (since I knew most of this blog readers are my girl friends… hehe),
Rage is an emotion no woman can control (especially when PMS =P); but what we can learn to control is our behavior and response. The initial anger is merely a physical release of emotion, the beginning of process by which a woman can later right or wrong, take care of herself, or turn a lethal weapon into an instrument of power.
I am writing this post about anger so that I can learn how to control my anger (ye la kan, saye ni jarang marah, senyum je, but bile sekali marah, teruk pulak org kene. hehe). So why not, kite belajar bersama-sama, lelaki nak belajar pun boleyh. This RAGE issue is universal after all.
By exploring our history and understanding the realities of our rage, we can begin to understand the powerful weapon we posses, how to use this lethal weapon and train it accurately to channel it’s aggressive surge. (Don’t play play, lethal weapon tu. Hehe.)
Alright see you in next post! I will continue to blog about this RAGE issue later.
(ye la kan, saye ni jarang marah, senyum je, but bile sekali marah, teruk pulak org kene. hehe)<< yoyo je awk nih..
Rage quite really depends on how people interpret it..because even when your words are normal and sincere..people interpret it as u getting angry n all that..
but seriously,anger is something that may hurt others even when the raging person is on the right side
hmm..laki takde marah sebab laki lagi suka keluarkan kan rasa marah tu, ni pendapat sy je lah.haha.mgkn sesuatu yg perempuan tak suka n kurg fhm...
kalau perempuan sy tak tau la, mgkin girlz suka pendam kan kemarahan.
dats y simpan lama2 then skali lepas..amek kauu~
ibarat kentut di tahan2...skali da terkeluar....pun amek kau juga..aaahahahaha...bluek (perumpaan yg huduh, jgn tiru d rumah)
so cara mudah bg sy laa..marah tu lepas kan aja, traffic jam, kena tunggu, org bwk keter cam gila...lepaskan saja carut marut anda. tak menyesal sebab sendiri puas.tapi ni kalau sorg2 dalam keter la. kalau ada org kena jaga hati jg...lalala~
tgk movie anger managements? bf yg kontrol marah n kaver macho depan awek tends to amok in the end.
just my 2 cents...
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