I’ve always loved movies with dancing element in it. Step Up 1, Step Up 2, to name a few. Not mentioning that I've always wished I was a dancer. Well I was (right, Shaleen? Hehe) and now I still am… a dancer of life. =P
Well anyway, last week I watched this TAKE THE LEAD movie and yes, it’s about dance. What makes this movie different is it’s about ballroom dancing, not hip-hop style like in Step Up’s. Also, the words that came out from Dulaine’s character are so beautiful making the movie inspirational.
Now I'd like to share some of the nice phrases with you together with my own comments in blue. (I paused the movie from time to time just to jot down the words. Haha. Well, wuteva.)
Here we go..........
Dance is like a life. You need to dance for yourself, not for anyone else. (Same goes to everything we do. We do it for ourselves, because we want to. Not because other people tell us to.)
In ancient times, there was a belief that any man who could kill with speed and accuracy should be able to dance with grace as well. Ballroom dancing is for kings and empresses. It is the dance of strength, of romance and love. (Oh, now I know. Nowadays, everyone can dance it and I think every dance is dance of strength. Not just ballroom. )
Teacher:You can get whatever you want.
Student:No, only some people get the shit they want.
Teacher:That’s true. And those are the people who show up to get it.
(Haha. True, if we want something so much, we have to work hard to get it, right? Be it shit or gold. Herh. Funny.)
Whatever problems you have with each other, you can work out as partners. (Right! - Me being enthusiastic.)
Sometimes, the best way to conquer an enemy is to get right up in his face. (Hmm, right up in face? Face to face maybe? See, I knew it! Now, you have problems with me girl? Come, face to face la. =P hihi.)
Common emotions can be very powerful. (True, funny how simple feelings can lead us to unexpected opportunities or events. “I love writing” – which can make u a popular column writer. Who knows?)
Teacher: The man leads. It is the woman’s job to follow.
Student: Oh so, if he gets to lead, then he’s gonna think he’s boss?
Teacher: No, but he’s not. You see, the man proposes the step, it’s the woman’s choice to accept by following. Now, to follow takes as much strength as to lead. (See? It’s ok if we are a follower. The message is there. Direct.)
If she’s allows me to lead, she’s trusting me. But more than that, she’s trusting herself. (Hmm...ok...)
Having the courage to follow your heart is what makes a man, a real man. (U read that guys?)
Trust must be earned. (True, we cannot buy one’s trust. But can we regain the trust back once it is lost?)
You have the opportunity to use every bit of skill you possess, not to dominate her but to take her on a journey. It is a lot to ask. If and how you take the journey - that’s entirely up to you. (So guys, don’t be too dominant.)
What have I taught you has value. (If we think hard, everything that we have learnt in life, does has value. We just have to open our heart and see it.)
If you are not sure, just sit down, stay home. But if somewhere you see a dot, a glimmer of believes in yourself, then you might have what it takes to win. (Be Confident. Be brave. Hope. Believe.)
To do something, anything is hard. It’s much easier to blame your father, your mother, the environment, the government, the lack of money but even if you find a place to assign the blame, it doesn’t make the problems go away. (Yes, we shouldn’t focus on who’s to blame. Instead, how to solve the problem)
I teach dance, and with it a set of rules that will teach your kids about respect, teamwork and dignity. And that will help to give them a vision of the future they could have. (Yes, rules can teach us something. Think about it.)
Trust must be earned. (True, we cannot buy one’s trust. But can we regain the trust back once it is lost?)
You have the opportunity to use every bit of skill you possess, not to dominate her but to take her on a journey. It is a lot to ask. If and how you take the journey - that’s entirely up to you. (So guys, don’t be too dominant.)
What have I taught you has value. (If we think hard, everything that we have learnt in life, does has value. We just have to open our heart and see it.)
If you are not sure, just sit down, stay home. But if somewhere you see a dot, a glimmer of believes in yourself, then you might have what it takes to win. (Be Confident. Be brave. Hope. Believe.)
To do something, anything is hard. It’s much easier to blame your father, your mother, the environment, the government, the lack of money but even if you find a place to assign the blame, it doesn’t make the problems go away. (Yes, we shouldn’t focus on who’s to blame. Instead, how to solve the problem)
I teach dance, and with it a set of rules that will teach your kids about respect, teamwork and dignity. And that will help to give them a vision of the future they could have. (Yes, rules can teach us something. Think about it.)
haha! yeah! standard 3 if i was not mistaken. or standard 4 if only traditional dancing was count ;)
eh, standard 4 ek? maybe..dah lupe. if only i got into sigs instead of ssi i wouldn't stop dancing u know..why oh why i was in arab stream? keke. But i still love SSI anyway! =)
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