High school
Sapa wei?
A girl i met online.....(smsing)
Lelaki ka pompuan???
Kan aku dah cakap tadi, perempuan, girl, hang ni...
Mana hang tau dia pompuan??
dah dia habaq kat aku...
Mana tau kalau dia tipu
.....(thinking)....(damn) hang ni B**ilah jon.... saja nak bagi aku cuak...
dak lah aku saja ja nak jaga hang hahahahha (evil laugh)
Summer ni saper hah???
An online friend... we met a year ago.
Sudah... tak reti-reti nak duduk diam tak abih abih menggatal
Shes a friend lah ..... takkan itu pun nak mengamok...
Ehh awak tu dah ada gf boleh tak jangan nak mengada-ngada dengan perempuan lain?
Saper kater sayer ader gf?? heheheh memain jgnlah marah heheh
Tgk tu melawak tak abih... pegilah jadi badut keja perempuan internet awak tu!!!!
*gets home alone*
just finished dinner my girl...
You must be tired..
yeah a bit... keep me company till i sleep (actual meaning - "i wish you were here")
I miss you
I miss you too..
I need us to take a break (she found out, she wants me to leave)
*crying* Why? what did i do wrong? Do you have someone else there?
She was always around and we've never met... ( God kill me now!!!)
*another girl*
I know her, i know what shes like... she'll never stop until she gets what she wants....
Look she doesnt want me ok? (God that must be the biggest lie ive ever told anyone)
what else does she do>?? does she email you??? do you guys still chat? i want you to stop, i want you to leave her....
I cant do that... that just wrong... She knows everything about me.... (bad move)
Oh so now youre telling me shes knows you better than i do???
No.... (another lie)
Shes just been with me longer thats all (dude lie already shes gonna hate you)
Okay you choose then me or her.... coz if you dont choose im leaving...
whyd you do that? Ive never said anything like that to you..... *serious face* Say what you want, im not leaving her, shes been too "there" for me.... shes been "there" since as long as i can remember and im not asking her to leave.....
Pre-relationship date
Can i hold you when we meet???
Tak boleh... sentuh sesama bukan muhrim tu hukuman dier nanti kulit akan dihiris pedang
Erk??? Okay... herh
*day of date*
Im sorry i talk too much... i talk too much when im nervous...
Youre nervous?
Off course i am... here i am on a date with a girl i met online 2 and a half years ago and shes already has this fixation that im the coolest guy and living up to that expectation is really REALLY hard and im nervous.....
*stares at him*
Nothing... i like listening to you... keep talking...
*that night*
thank you for everything....
No... thank YOU for everything...
We should do this again..
yeah we should.... soon...
You sure youre ready for more of me???
Herh... i think im gonna get better at this as we go on...
*2nd date*
remember when you asked me "can i keep you?"
Yeah of course its from that casper movie heheheh
Yeah i know..... *takes a deep breath*
can i keep you>?? Can i make you mine?
Will you be my girlfriend? (I hope she says yes...)
Are you serious???
Yes.... (God shes gonna say no...)
*holds hands and kisses his hands*
You dont know how long i've waited for that question.....
Currently dating
Arent you worried our children are gonna find us different and might consider one of us like jahat because the other doesnt understand... i dont want them to think im jahat and i dont want them to think youre jahat *sulking face*
*i think its cute she thinks that far ahead* Dont worry... whatever the problem... we'll work it out... we always do remember??
*smiles from ear to ear* Yes we do!!!
I think the best things in life doesnt come from hiding what you feel. But from realizing it. realizing the idea of who you really love... whether someone is company... or soulmate... company or soulmate... im glad she never let go.... im glad she held on... and even though it has been hard for her... ill make things better for her from now on.. smiles and kisses only nothing less than that hehe...
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