Woo hoo….it’s been a while since my last post…thanks to darling Hanafee for taking care of this “home” hehe. So check it out. Now five months of ‘08 have passed and we are reaching June. Cepatnya masa berlalu….
Alright, I’ll pick random stuffs for the sake of updates. =)
The beginning of my 2-months semester break was filled with different emotions – love, joy, sadness, pain, excitement and fatigue.
29th, 30th April and 6th May – I had exams. Thank Allah, it went well, I didn’t sweat in the exam hall (Air-con) hehe. The 3 papers had a mixed of easy and tough questions. Thanks Inda and Ita for the unplanned study groups and discussions. It helped a lot. I appreciated it.
7th May – Semester break starts so I went back home in Masai.
9th May – Off to Kelana Jaya. Shed tears coz had to leave mom dad n danial. Two days only at home after months in Jungle of Pahang wasn’t enough I missed them so much..
10th May till 21st May, I participated as support crew aka volunteers in WITSA World Congress on IT (WCIT 2008).! It was tiring. Very. But it’s ok. I applied for it so I had to deal with it, right? Hehe. Make new friends, of course. It’s good to meet with people with the same spirit and interests as you. Anyway, I was put in Experience – Enquiry Team led by Miss Aliza (she’s cool). There were 8 of us in that team. We were in charge of Enquiry Counter Level 1 and Level 3 where our job was to answer enquiries from delegates/anyone. Sound easy but na-ah, not as easy as you think. We dealt with different kinds of people from all walks of life from 80 countries. And not all of them were in good mood. Imagine when a delegate came to the counter with a pissed off face coz he was given a wrong direction by the ushers? Or when a foreign delegate gave a bad comment about the event, or even the ministers who came late? What would you do? What do you feel? Anyway, despite the tiredness, the feet pain of having to stand for a long time, the overall experience was awesome!!
23rd May – Back in Masai!! Yay!! Good to smell home!! =)
Alright, I believe some of my friends are busy with 3P courses. I wish you good luck and all the best!! I envy you people. Free courses that cost thousands and then free books, plus if you passed the exams you get certificate. Jealous jealous. So belajar bebetul ! Jangan bazirkan duit rakyat!! Hehe.
To Ita, Inda, Tasya, Mashe, Rozita, Hani, Eliz, Azmi and lain lain yang namanya terlupe nak disebut, Congratulations for finishing up your final year project with flying colors I bet! Well done guys! And good luck for your future undertakings. Do not forget us here k? Friendship forever and do please keep in touch. Join facebook, at least. Hehe.
wah! aku nk join la yg wcit tu..mcm tu ke spelling die... aleh2 ade 3p nee... kuciwak nyee... sab upload la gmba aktiviti ko join... aku x leh mggmbr kn suasana kt sana tu....
aku dah upload. ade kat friendster album and facebook album.
gambar tak banyak sangat. sbb kitorang tak boleh amik gambar ngan delegates.. kitorang just boleh bergambar di luar waktu kerja time tgh rehat ke..
p/s: gambar camera org lain aku tak amik lagi.. hehe.
hehe..god luck 4 ur psm babe..im sure u gonna be great!x0x0..t senang2 leh g sh0pping same2 ea..tunjuk ak jln tau!
sure sure!! Kalo Fee aku tak dapat teman, kite je gi shopping. Or we can bring our Fee(s) along too. Diorang mesti tau jalan. hikhik.
haaa....tq2....goodluck for ur psm next sem k....
:D i bet they do! xsabau nyeh nak abes kn 3p n balik umahhhhh..yey
ait anes... ape url blog ko? meh la aku link ke aku.. aku tgk kt komen sab nee.. ko ade blogspot..tp profile bley view.. x kn blogging sowg2 kot.. nk url .. aku nk tempek kt tepi blog aku..
wahaha..ak tade blog la..ak rase tu sbb ada acc gmail kot..ak rase la..t ak menuntut ngn azmi psl hosting ngn domain bagai2 tu..ape nth yg cap kambing tu..hee :D
thanks sab..gudluck 4 ur psm ek..he
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