As cliche as this may sound, I miss this HanafeeSabrina.
Reason for not updating this blog...
I am totally busy. (mcm biasa, cliche again but that's the truth) Seriously.
Hanafee lagi la busy. We are in a mess. Even Hanafee & me hardly talk nowadays (Ini untuk menggambarkan betapa sibuknya kami). But No. Our relationship is just fine. Thank you. *smiles*
Whatever it is.
You people, do keep on blogging k? (eceh eceh, mcm ramai followers. Padahal bape org je baca. Haha!) I promise i'll keep on reading your blogs and commenting when i take a break. (Kak Noi, pakailah xml template!!! senang nak masuk dalam reader!! Haish. =P)
Ok ok. sudah lewat ini. dah kul 6.40am. Kene bersiram. 7.15 sudah kena pergi bekerja.
Bye Bye!!
Alamak baru sedar takde gambar!! Ahh.. biarlah! Bye again!
Ni dah berapa orang dah suruh tukar XML.. T_____________T
Sayangnye template yang dibuat dengan penuh kasih sayang tu..
Tukarkan le template tu ke XML, Sab.. hahaha
Baik lah! Nanti akak tukar..tahun depan.
hehe,wondered why this blog tak update-update.
now i know the answer, walaupun 'cliche' hehe
nevermind, as long as you keep on writting what inspires you.
glad to know hanafee & sabrina is doing fine =)
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