There’s an on-going petition to stop the killing. I’ve already signed the petition and now it’s your turn. Please help spread the word and save the dolphins!!
I'm a dolphin lover! But I never see them live. (Ade ke dolphins di Malaysia? Dugong ade la kot. huhu)
Why do I like dolphins? They symbolize freedom, joy, grace, serenity...
Do you know that when i first started using mIRC ( i was 17), my first nickname was white_dolphin. *smiles*
What's your first nickname for chatting?
Its Miyuki_Nanase.. HAHA..
because I love Hajime Kindaichi so much and really hope I can be his bestfriend.. (lol)
Ngade2 kan...
You know what, Sab..
Akak ada kawan guna nickname tu jugak.. Wahhhhhhhhhh..
Can we hamster sign the petition too, Kak Sab??
Kak Noi did! =)
Dolphin are beautiful creatures. ^_^
watak apa tu kak noi? komik ke?
Ade kawan gune nick white_dolphin juga?? wah, sehati sejiwa ni! hehe. does your friend still using it?
heheh, comel. hamsters kak noi ade blog seyh!!
hey,pelakon Heroes Hayden something pun tengah fight for the same cause you tau,
save the dolphins save the world!
my first nickname was Blueberyy spelled with double Y.
Ya.. Siri Penyiasatan.. Macam Conan, but I like Hajime Kindaichi better.. Ehehehe..
Hamsters have something to say too ;P
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