Pernah tak nampak keadaan ini? “Satu family makan bersama,
duduk semeja, tapi semua ahli keluarga sibuk tengok phone masing-masing”
I have seen it for many times… and it triggers me… I don’t want us
my family to be like this..
So I have started my own self-challenge of putting the phone away
when I am home. Baru start last week. Check on the phone only when daughter or
husband is not around. Or only use the phone when I have to call people or pick
up calls.
Basically the idea is to reduce the amount of time holding or
gluing myself to the phone screen when I am at home or when I am around family
Personally, this challenge is not easy. I need to be really really
emotionally strong. Especially since the last 10 years da terbiasa asyik nak
check whatsapp messages, whatsapp status, check facebook timeline, check
instagram, tgk youtube or bermacam short movie videos bagai. Astaghfirullah.
So these records are based on my own experience since I started this
1- Felt sad when u already detox yourself from the smartphone but other
beloved people still holds on to it. To me, the unspoken message to me is
"scrolling the timeline is more important than spending quality time with
Remedy: Ajak ahli
keluarga tersayang untuk join this challenge. If they insist to be glued to
their phone, let them be until they learnt the lesson of “you don’t know what
you have until it’s gone…”
I have learnt my
lesson when I lose late Hanafee.. up to this day.. I still remember his words..
“Sayang, cukup-cukuplah twitter tu”. The next morning, he was gone… At that
time, I did listen to him and stop twittering when he said that. I just wished
he did not need to remind me at all.. I just wished that I would put the phone
away when he’s around.
2- The stressfulness of having to consistently say "NO" when your
daughter crying out loud begging for phone. Sampai keluar ayat “Mommy, you don’t
love me…” Sampai kita terpaksa bebel walaupun kita tak nak bebel. Sampai
bebelan kita termasuk orang lain.. “Handphone handphone handphone. Orang sana
main phone, orang sini main phone, bla bla bla”
Remedy: Cuba lagi
untuk slow-talk dengan anak and ajak dia buat aktiviti fun yang lain.
3- Some people generously utter "Tak baca whatsapp ke?",
"Baik tak payah ade phone", “Anti-social”
Remedy: Tell the people about this
challenge. Tell them to call if it’s really urgent. And tell them that your existence
is this world bukan lah untuk check the phone every second of the day. Duh!
I hope I will stay strong and improve the quality of time with my
I hope people around me
will support me and it would be best if they also do
the same. Less time with phone around family members.
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