I just realized that my black umbrella is not in it's place.
I checked near my locker. Not there.
I checked next to the shoe rack. Not there.
Where the hell is my black umbrella?
Who took my umbrella?
Now is raining season. =(
I can't go to class without my black umbrella.
The red one is too small. =(
Sab.. Gee pn ilang dh payung die mase clas DS td.. Ade toyol payung kt UMP? haha
really? dalam kelas? dier letak luar ke?
hmm... perhatian kepada semua, sila jaga payung anda dengan baik, kerna ia amat berharga.... hehe.
ye..walaupun payung aku 5hengget je..ia tetap berjase..he
aku mulanya ade 3 payung... 1 ilang... 1 ttgl dlm kete sewa... 1 ageh patah... smua..dlm skelip mata... skang aku dh x de pyung... so, aku nk blk umah.. nk rmbt payung umah.. abeh la mama aku ngmuk sbb aku rmbt pyung die...wahahaha
Hahahaha.. aku ada payung... payung free ada cop ump.. tapi x pnah pakai lagik... still berbungkus dalam plastik dia... hehehehe
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