Someone asked me this question a few days ago online and i gave them an answer which i thought would be cool to share. Yes for everyone this is another supposedly beautiful writing. hehe Enjoy
Why do i like the stars???
Because by looking at them we feel that we cease to be earthbound and burdened with practicality. it allows you to ask the impertinent question. Talk about ideas nobody has even thought about yet. Put things in a different way, look at things in a different way, putting things in a different perspective. It allows you to be poets if you absolutely must. Its a reminder that even when you are distanced so far apart there are always ways to reach out. It tells you to reach out. It makes you remember of distant and past times in history when man kind sat in this very same place and looked at it. When they sat in different places but gazed upon the very same star. it connects people, it reminds them they too can shine.
Reaching for the stars means to aim for greatness, to aim for something better, to reach for something better, then if the stars could gaze upon us then they would tell us stories of how beautifully we loved, how passionately we loved, and how painfully we loved. And in all those beauty, passion and pain, they will stand still jealous of humanity for being able to even feel love.
Thats why i like watching at the stars.
who asked you the question?? =(
to quote the famous song of twinkle twinkle little star.. "stars are like diamonds in the sky" =)
when i look at the stars.. tak pernah pulak terfikir like the way you mentioned in this post. Thanks for the different angle.
Perhaps was too mesmerized by the beautiful view...and have you ever thought that...despite of the shine and twinkle...perhaps stars actually are crying when they witness something they don't like and they scream coz they could do nothing coz they are too high above...
perhaps they get angry and scream and scream till they explode and that's why we see them stars shining and twinkling from here...
stars are twinkling because they are happy or because they are sad seeing us human beings? hmmm..
=) whatever it is, i believe stars never failed to pray for the good life of us....
sky and the star, i regard that as the most beautiful picturesque Allah has made upon us human, only to be destroyed by those sick minded people who cared less.
they build enormous number of factories that could fade my view of the blue sky. somewhat brownish.
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