I just had lunch with my older brother. Someone i have always rated as being underrated in means of critical thinking. People often overlook his opinions but i think he holds more bearing in terms of rationality compared to most people i know. I asked him what he thought of Anwar and he spoke of it so calmly. I remind anyone reading this that i open for debate. I am open for arguments as well. So let us see just how much really is Anwar a charismatic leader.
When i asked my brother he said to me this. "The question to ask is why..."
As if jolted by a bolt of lightning i was reminded of the fundamentals of learning. To always ask why. So here in this blog i begin by asking a few questions.
Why the Turkish Embassy? Why the rally of international support including The United States and Singapore? If he has the secret to make fuel prices lower then why does he keep it tom himself? Why does he not disclose it to the people? if he says he is fighting for the malays then why insist on fighting battles that will divide the Malay community? Why the need to involve foreign countries to the matters of nation and state?
Lets follow this issue point by point. Lets start from the beginning, lets start from what Anwar wants. He says he is the voice of democracy, that what he wants is a prosperous, democratic and just country. Now every Malaysian knows this story. The story of Ghee Hin Hai San. The story of the British intervening in our national matters because it was getting beyond what our leader could help with. So they came in under the mask of making things better. We'll fix it for you. We lost Pulau Pinang, Melaka and Singapore at that time. And again today we are faced with the same situation. Anwar holds a rally, UMNO retaliates and we end up having American Peace Keepers amongst us. Another term for Resident Gabenor (familiar names include J.W.W Birch)
The concept is the same, America sees us unfit to rule so in the name of democracy, they intervene and under the mask of (wanting a free world) they come and take away our freedom.
How do we know this is going to happen? Because it has happened before. Orang Melayu kata "benda dalam kelambu takyah cerita dekat orang." If Anwar keeps on with his snitching and telling then it would play into arms of other nations that America had no choice but to intervene.
Now the plight of the people is the rising fuel prices, Anwar claims to have the solution. Why keep it to himself? Why not do it now? Tell the government... let them do it. Why wait until he becomes prime minister? Why does he have to wait until he is in power? While waiting for Anwar to be Prime Minister Malaysians (the one he claims he is fighting for) is spending more and more money everyday. Losing the battle with large fuel corporations everyday. So why are you selfish??? Similar to a boy who knows how to multiply but refuses to tell the whole class unless he is appointed as the teacher.
He knows that rallies breeds hate. People will have their differences highlighted during these so called peaceful rallies. "The Bersih Rally" for example. Yellow shirts are with us, those who are not wearing yellow against us. Imagine a guy who was walking among them totally unaware of the reason of the rally or any political event for that matter, so he walks through the crowd to get to a Seven-11 to buy a can of coke. The yellow shirts around him starts staring at him. Their minds thinking "Pro-government lah tu nak tunjuk berani" when in reality, he doesnt even have political preferences.
Intimidated by the looks around him, he reacts in a defensive manner. And in minutes push turns to shove and violence erupts. Why would he ask the people to rally and risk violence? Why highlight the differences between us?
Kita tengok, benda ni sounds familiar ke tak. Dia jumpa US kata kerajaan "jahat". Dia balik dia suruh buat rally. Manusia-manusia bodoh buat rally, polis masuk campur pengikut pro kerajaan pun masuk campur and bergaduh. US kata "things have gotten out of hand and we need to restore democracy to Malaysia." Dalam beberapa bulan, askar dan polis America mula memasuki dan menduduki tanah air kita. Perwakilan dilantik untuk menyelia perkembangan negara. Sultan tidak lagi mempunyai pendapat. Perdana Menteri yang dipilih adalah yang memang rajin merepot pada America. Ketuanan Melayu tidak lagi wujud, kenapa? kerana USA mahukan negara multi-cultural. Negara Bangsa.
Dan kembali lah kita pada perjanjian Pangkor. "Hence forth all efforts will be put forth by the East India British Company in order to restore the nation into a prosperous nation" dan mula lah semakin ramai perwakilan mereka menduduki, merosakkan negara dan menjadikan kita barua mereka yang seterusnya.
Apa agenda kamu Anwar? Kenapa kamu mahu berada diatas sebelum kamu mahu membantu bangsa kamu sendiri? Kenapa perlu jadi perdana menteri sebelum kamu mahu menolong rakyat? Tiada pengaruh? Tiada sumber? Tidak Benar. You said in 1996 during your speech in UKM. "We can do anything we set our minds to, even without support." buktikan kata-katamu.
Right now what the people need are not prime ministers, or ministers, or parties. We need leaders. Leaders who are willing to sacrifice self-ego in order for the better good. The public good. The good of all. If Anwar insists on being in power before he starts helping the people, then what is going to stop teachers stopping to teach unless they get a raise? Whats to stop surgeons from not wanting to perform surgery because he wants to be prime minister? The only thing stopping is their oath to do their duty. A politician has no oath, no ethics like lawyers or doctors or teachers. Even under-graduate students signs a promise and oath letter to study. But not politicians they are not bounded. The only things that controls them are two things. The self-conscious and the people. The people godify Anwar. And if he wants to be in power before he starts helping the people, then we know what he has in his self-conscious.
People question Why. Why does he tell foreign nations. Why he insist on being prime minister before he starts helping the people. Im not saying the government is a hundred percent good. Maybe one day if i have time id talk to my brother about Altantuya. But similarly enough, we should not let personal agenda of the leaders be our directions.