I hate it when the day for me to leave comes. =( I feel like I want to be a real witch and put Seth in my pocket.
Dear Seth,
Thank you for the walks. I love walking with you to the South City. Thank you for the books. I love them. Thank you for your time and smiles even after the tiring day at work. Thank you for keeping the room and toilet clean =). Thank you for being protective while in crowded train. Thank you for the funny faces that you made to make me laugh. Thank you for the ‘choki choki’ that you bought when I was in bad mood. Thank you for having McD breakfast with me. Thank you for bringing me while you hung out with your friends. Thank you for letting me treats you. Even the Saturday started with a hurtful discovery and little storm I am glad we made it through. I “awesome” you Seth.
I’d like to say thanks to Aizat for your car. (Sorry you had to be late for work. Blame Seth. Haha)
Thanks to Norman and Kak Nurul.
Thanks to Pije, E-wolf and Hunter.
saye sgt jeles..mau dating jugak..huhu
hehehehe..suke ek die... shuwa tumpang hepi jugak...
hehehe...g lar KL tasya..KL 2 da rndu sgt2 da ngn ko..hihihihi...
xberseri KLCC ble ko xde,
xmeriah Alamanda kalo ko x pegi,
x happening Puduraye kalo ko xjenguk,
x untung dunkin donut kalo ko xbeli..
hehe. Tq tq. =)
Eh, KL umah ke-2 tasya jugak??
Wah.. bagus bagus. Next time boleh reunion couple2 kat KL. haha. funny.
Eleh moon, ko ngan yus pun cam selalu je pi KL. =P
Kenape kita semua selalu ke KL? kenapa tak Ipoh ke.. Seremban ke..Melaka Bandar Bersejarah ke?
ai mun dh mcm pntun plak..hehe..tula sab..jom la kite wat reunion couple2 kt kl..hehe
thanks for kaknoi for reading this...
saje je nak enterframe..ngeh3..
jeleznya..ase nak balik sabah skunk gak..~ nak deting..kui3
eh..mse blenye aku g kl...aku dok kntn ni jer..haha..korg nih,...
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