2. Doing things you don’t like makes you a learner.
3. Waking up early in the morning and starting your day talking to God can make you fresher and happier.
4. Two faced people can be so into their games that they forget there are eyes watching and ears listening.
5. Knowing, finding and being informed to about something hurtful is better than being lied to.
6. Good friends treats you the same, even though you and them only meet once in a blue moon.
7. If you can’t lie, do what ever it takes not to talk.
8. Time-boxing makes you active and productive.
p/s: You are allowed to express your support and disagreement. =)
ko suke ltk gmbr mengikut kale yg best.. ak suke purple.. tengkiu sab.. hehe..
ya.. ya.. i agree..
eh, lupe nk bg tau, ak amek tau gmbr ni.. huhu..
hehe. i knew you would take the pic and comment in this post. Ever thought perhaps that's the reason i put the pic? =D
You agree? Why?
p/s: miss you inda.
ala sab.. u took a very nice pic here so i 'must' leave a comment.. i know la.. hehe..
hmm.. don't like a plain same routine life.. no fun at all..
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