Some people celebrate it some people don’t.
Seth and I didn’t celebrate it this time as we were far apart.
Plus, unlike KL, there’s no off day for Jan 1st in Johor, which means I had to work.
But that was ok….
Because…. *senyum muka semut*
Seth came over to Pasir Gudang on the second day of 2009!!! Hehe.
We had to settle something in Johor, that’s why he had to come over.
And I thank God for having awesome parents.
They let me spend my weekend with Seth~
Beyond curfew. Weeee~
So apa lagi. Kami pun beronggeng sakan lah!
We didn’t even go to JB.
We just hopped from one Tesco to another Tesco, including one mall.
We watched movies. 3 movies.
We bought babies gifts for my neighbors and sent Shuwa’s watch to be fixed.
We treated ourselves with yummy food.
And shopping tak hingat dunia!! =D
I love having Seth around.
I love watching him helping my dad.
I love seeing him eating mom's cooking.
I love the way he treats my siblings.
Sometimes I’m so selfish I don’t want to share him.
But I also know I cannot always be around
It makes me sad.
Maintaining a long distance relationship is hard.
Comes the different arguments, insecurities and disagreements,
it’s going to be harder.
It needs a lot of efforts from both sides to make it works.
Having a great boyfriend makes every effort seems so...easy...
Seth is so amazing he could handle me at my worst he deserves me at my best.
He’s my secret-keeper, my hot chocolate, my glow giver, my diabolic angel.
(I keep on using those words, ain't I?) =)
I hope and pray that God let and make Hanafee and Sabrina spend another 70 years together….till Heaven. (Ni kalau lebih 40 org sebut baca dalam hati, termakbul ni. hehe. mudah-mudahan...)
p/s: Hey orang tua, I love the smell of your Dunhill Fresh and thank you for the Envy Me.
written by,
I love you....
p/s - when there are no words in my vast vocabulary for you... i utter those three words which covers all manner of life...
Senyum muka semut?
mahu gunakan imaginasi tahap tertinggi.
(haha, sweet).
its ok dear.. like kakn0i said..
long distance doesnt matter..
coz he's near u.. inside ur heart :)
kdg bjauhan ni best gak kan..wat kita rasa erti rindu yg sebenar ..kih3
*tersenyum juga*
er.. nak tuka term boleh? from diabolic angel --> diabetic angel.. hehe... jk jk.
lamenye napek tak post kat sini.dia dah bukak blog baru ke??
Jahatnya ko Din!! Hahaha. But it's funny, tak terpikir pun.
Eyy, napek baru je post entri sebelum ni.. ko tak baca eh.... =P
Dia takde blog baru. =)
Zaidah, meh kita tolong awak imagine. Sila refer semut semut di dalam cerita bugs life. hehe =D
Kak Noi, thank you.. u r such an understanding sister. =)
And Seth... *hugs* I Awesome you too. =)
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