Ada tak sesiapa yang pernah rasa macam... dalam diri dia tidak sama dengan luar diri dia?
Your insides don't match up with your outsides. I'm not talking about baju dalam baju luar ok. More to... feelings.
You know you are sad about something but you can still laugh about it. It confuses other people, but not you.
And when one asks "How can you laugh?". You don't know the answer and you begin to ask yourself too, "How can I laugh?"
Ini bukan menyembunyikan perasaan tau. Yang bila kita ada cerita sedih tapi kita beritahu orang cerita gembira dan kita pun pura-pura gembira.
Ini tentang kita ada cerita sedih dan kita beritahu orang cerita sedih itu dan semasa bercerita itu kita boleh ketawa.
Faham tak?
Hmmph, siapa pernah begitu? Adakah itu normal?
Monday, August 24, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ramadhan is just around the corner! Hmmph, from Muharram till Sya'ban and now Ramadhan will come on this Saturday, what have we achieved so far during these 8 months, people?
"Why do I have to put this (tudung) on? I don't wanna be someone else, a hypocrite"
"Kita memang tak boleh jadi orang lain, tapi kita boleh jadi lebih baik.."
*smiles* I just quoted Adam from NurKasih TV3. hehe.
Marilah bersama-sama cuba menjadi lebih baik dari diri kita yang sebelumnya!! Good luck to all of us! Sebab iman kita kan ada pasang surutnya. There are times yang kita jadi baik sangat2, tapi ada juga masa yang kadang-kadang jadi jahat gila! Am i right? =)
Before I end this post, sempana bulan Ramadhan ini, please forgive us (Hanafee & Sabrina) for everything. Especially if there's anyone out there who personally know us, if we have done you wrong, hurt you, made u angry/cried/sad/kecik hati... please forgive us. We are truly sorry. Either it was an honest mistake or we really meant it, we are sorry. Please, forgive us.
Till we write again... "Selamat Berpuasa and Menyambut Ramadhan" *smiles*
p/s: My family akan tidur rumah atok timah esok. yay!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Ustaz Asri Rabbani
Terngiang ngiang lagu nasyid Pergi Tak Kembali...
And his kids semua masih kecil... sudah hilang ayah yang soleh. *sedih*
I read somewhere yang bila kiamat sudah dekat, Tuhan akan tarik nyawa orang-orang soleh satu persatu..... *speechless*
When do u think is your turn to return to your Creator?
Wait, are we even soleh and solehah? *speechless, again*
Al Fatihah buat Ustaz Asri Ibrahim, vokalis Rabbani.
And his kids semua masih kecil... sudah hilang ayah yang soleh. *sedih*
I read somewhere yang bila kiamat sudah dekat, Tuhan akan tarik nyawa orang-orang soleh satu persatu..... *speechless*
When do u think is your turn to return to your Creator?
Wait, are we even soleh and solehah? *speechless, again*
Al Fatihah buat Ustaz Asri Ibrahim, vokalis Rabbani.
Buat aku tersengih haha
Off Villa 38 blog:

This make me smile. =) Perhaps because terasa macam dah lalui je semua tu? Gembira lah jugak sebab sekarang dah berada kat tingkat paling tinggi. Eh silap... ade lagi tinggi dari girlfriend sebenarnya iaitu tunang pastu baru isteri... Haha Kelakar.
Terdengar suara-suara kecil...
"Ala...baru gf, belum isteri pun lagi..."
"Ala...kalau dah kawin, pun boleh cerai apa..."
Haih. Penyakit hasad dengki betul!! Wahahhahha.
Go HERE if you wanna read the full entry.
p/s: TTH = Teman Tapi Hot.

This make me smile. =) Perhaps because terasa macam dah lalui je semua tu? Gembira lah jugak sebab sekarang dah berada kat tingkat paling tinggi. Eh silap... ade lagi tinggi dari girlfriend sebenarnya iaitu tunang pastu baru isteri... Haha Kelakar.
Terdengar suara-suara kecil...
"Ala...baru gf, belum isteri pun lagi..."
"Ala...kalau dah kawin, pun boleh cerai apa..."
Haih. Penyakit hasad dengki betul!! Wahahhahha.
Go HERE if you wanna read the full entry.
p/s: TTH = Teman Tapi Hot.
We might not have....

We might not have a villa with a swimming pool, maids...
We might not have Dato' Datin Tengku Raja...
We might not have Mercedes, BMW or Honda...
We might not have bling bling jewelleries...
We can't give the kids pocket money of hundreds or thousands per week, per month...
But we do have a good son.
That we know will take care of us when we are old..
That we know will pray for us when we are gone..
That we know will lead the family with Islamic values..
We DO have a GOOD son.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
p/s: My younger brother is going to India, soon. *smiles*
We might not have Dato' Datin Tengku Raja...
We might not have Mercedes, BMW or Honda...
We might not have bling bling jewelleries...
We can't give the kids pocket money of hundreds or thousands per week, per month...
But we do have a good son.
That we know will take care of us when we are old..
That we know will pray for us when we are gone..
That we know will lead the family with Islamic values..
We DO have a GOOD son.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
"Apabila mati seseorang, akan terputus amalannya kecuali tiga perkara: sedekah jariah, ilmu yang dimanfaatkan dan anak yang soleh yang mendoakan untuknya"
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Inside Joke
Sunday, August 2, 2009
God doesn't give you...
Off Momo Moans tumblr,
“God doesn’t give you the people you want. He gives you the people you need. To hurt you, to love you, to teach you, to break you, to turn you into the person you’re supposed to be.”
Halaman Idaman
Redup mata memandang...
Halaman rumah idaman saya. Lupa dah jumpa gambar ni kat mana. Dah lama simpan dalam komputer. Sudah tiba masa untuk kongsikan bersama. Hehe.
Anyway, what kind of halaman do u like?
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Short update. It's trivial anyway.
Terasa lama tidak update blog.
When was the last time I blog about home decoration? Rindunya nak kongsi gambar2 best!!
When was the last time I read my Reader?
Still have 453 items to read and it's gonna keep increasing... Damn. =(
So what's new with me?
First, my laptop dah tak boleh access internet. Sakit hati.
Second, sudah start busy at the office, completion date for the project I am involved in is just around the corner. God, please give me strength and patient and calmness to handle all the workload. Amin.
Third, today I went to a highschool friend's wedding and got to meet kawan-kawan lama!! Yay!! It was like a reunion. So happy!! Bila lagi nak jumpa... time kawan-kawan kawin la kan? =D
Sorry for wasting your time. But i miss blogging so much i just have to type something here. Hehe. So that's it. A short trivial update from me.
I had a great Saturday. How's yours?
When was the last time I blog about home decoration? Rindunya nak kongsi gambar2 best!!
When was the last time I read my Reader?
Still have 453 items to read and it's gonna keep increasing... Damn. =(
So what's new with me?
First, my laptop dah tak boleh access internet. Sakit hati.
Second, sudah start busy at the office, completion date for the project I am involved in is just around the corner. God, please give me strength and patient and calmness to handle all the workload. Amin.
Third, today I went to a highschool friend's wedding and got to meet kawan-kawan lama!! Yay!! It was like a reunion. So happy!! Bila lagi nak jumpa... time kawan-kawan kawin la kan? =D
Sorry for wasting your time. But i miss blogging so much i just have to type something here. Hehe. So that's it. A short trivial update from me.
I had a great Saturday. How's yours?
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