Ramadhan is just around the corner! Hmmph, from Muharram till Sya'ban and now Ramadhan will come on this Saturday, what have we achieved so far during these 8 months, people?
"Why do I have to put this (tudung) on? I don't wanna be someone else, a hypocrite"
"Kita memang tak boleh jadi orang lain, tapi kita boleh jadi lebih baik.."
*smiles* I just quoted Adam from NurKasih TV3. hehe.
Marilah bersama-sama cuba menjadi lebih baik dari diri kita yang sebelumnya!! Good luck to all of us! Sebab iman kita kan ada pasang surutnya. There are times yang kita jadi baik sangat2, tapi ada juga masa yang kadang-kadang jadi jahat gila! Am i right? =)
Before I end this post, sempana bulan Ramadhan ini, please forgive us (Hanafee & Sabrina) for everything. Especially if there's anyone out there who personally know us, if we have done you wrong, hurt you, made u angry/cried/sad/kecik hati... please forgive us. We are truly sorry. Either it was an honest mistake or we really meant it, we are sorry. Please, forgive us.
Till we write again... "Selamat Berpuasa and Menyambut Ramadhan" *smiles*
p/s: My family akan tidur rumah atok timah esok. yay!!
Selamat Berpuasa to Sab & Fee.
InsyaAllah, kita cuba ubah diri jadi lebih baik, bukan saja di bulan Ramadhan, tapi di bulan2 lain gak. ^_^
selamat berpuasa to both of you =)
yes, we try to improve ourselves as much as we can, don't have to think about being hypocrite or not, just do what we think is good kan .
epy pose sab..
rasanya dh cm terbiasa pose kt opis.. xde beza tahan lapa kn di bln ramdhan ne...
mgkn yg mmbezakan nya amalan di bulan ramadhan kn????
epy pose to evryone~
to kak noi, manje and shuwa - thank you and selamat berpuasa juge~ =)
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