Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Koleksi Ruang Tamu

Dah lama tak blog pasal dekor dekor dekor
(sila baca dgn berlagu mcm dalam tv. heh)

So now, i present you, 10 inspirational living room designs!!

suka ini suka ini!!! =D but it would be too girly for hanafee. hmmph.

bold colors + cool wall arts! = awesome!!

simply because i love the green....

i LOVE this!!!

hmmph.. i like the couch.

black red white theme...

minimalist. sesuai utk yg baru kawin. hehe =)



♥ Teacher Nonoi ♥ said...

Kak Noi suka yang first tu!! Wah, sungguh le taste Kak Noi.. HAHAHAHA..
Rasanya Sab mesti dah agak akak suka tu. Ekekeke

youramoi said...

i like the black red n white theme!
waahhh...boleh la pasni matching kan both colours tuuuu
eeee geram nye tengok!!

farah said...

semua cantik.

tp suka yang nombor 4.

nampak colourful sgt.


chezzem said...

agreed! the first one lawa! and the fourth. obviously colours catches my eyes first. hihi. oh tadi baru gie beli furniture. for the living hall and my dad's room. gonna do some minor make over for the 2nd living hall, upstairs. so bosan with the white walls. macam hospital!