Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hanafee's going for surgery today. this morning. what saddens me the most is i am not allowed to come to kl. what saddens me the most is he's not telling me which hospital. what saddens me the most is he even told his brothers not to tell me the hospital's name. what saddens me the most is i was so far far away when his mother passed away.. and now i am still far far away when he's in pain. i am so sad he doesnt wanna share his pain with me... selfish selfish selfish!! as much as he's hurting now.. it hurts me too that i cant be by his i am hating this long distance relationship we have.

ok he just called me, and his surgery is at 10 am. and i am still in masai??!! *crying*


youramoi said...

sab ...
there's lots of type of pain kan..
sabar ye..
he must not want you to worry too much,just pray okay =))
*smile smile*

♥ Teacher Nonoi ♥ said...

Actually Sab, bf akak pun camtu..
Bila dah setel prob baru le nak share (T_T), I really hate it!!! Benci..
But then,
Nak tak nak kena terima gak dia yang camtu. Actually, lelaki ni taknak wanita kesayangan dia risau.
Kita sebagai wanita kena respect keputusan dia tu. And.. just pray for him.. doa banyak2 k..

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah segala urusan Hanafee sekeluarga..Semoga mereka semua sentiasa berada di bawah lindungan-Mu... Aminnnn

AnEs said...

Babe..Sabar ye..Mesti ada sebab dia buat camtu..Doakan yang terbaik tuk dia..Take care..

Sabrina said...

thank you girls, right now, fee's still in ICU and I still don't know which hospital but i am so sure it's in Kajang, but not Kajang Hospital. Kajang Specialist, perhaps.

Ade sesapa yg boleh check kat that hospital whether betul atau tak dia kat situ?? *sedih*

i wish i could fly. mase macam ini lah tetiba rasa "kan bagus kalau ada kenalan doctors"

*sedih sedih amat*