Few would have the privilege to say that 2009 was a good year. Even I, having looked at 2009 found very few to be happy about. None the less. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger. We are supposedly stronger than we were the year before and we are supposedly still here to fight for another year. I always start my new year reminiscing about my dads words.
"With a new day comes new strength to soldier on, and with a new year comes new hope."
Always i have used these words to get me through the year. But something occured to me while i was writing this article. It is time to make my own words. My own phrase which i can one day pass down to my children as a legacy. Something to remember me by. I couldnt decide though on what to particularly write or say. So, I want all of you to decide. A good chance to if anyone is actually reading. Leave a comment selecting the best phrase that you think best suits this blog.
"A new year gives you another 365 days to be awesome!"
"A new year is the opportunity to re-do last year, only better and awesomer"
"Let the past 365 days be the measurement in which you will surpass yourself. My young padawan. (Ive always wanted to write a star wars preference)
"Be born in any year but be awesome every year"
"Find love, compassion, trust, friendship, loyalty, bravery in the new year, and next year, find more of it."
"A new year is the opportunity to re-do last year, only better and awesomer"
"Let the past 365 days be the measurement in which you will surpass yourself. My young padawan. (Ive always wanted to write a star wars preference)
"Be born in any year but be awesome every year"
"Find love, compassion, trust, friendship, loyalty, bravery in the new year, and next year, find more of it."
So those are just some that Ive thought of throughout the night. What better way to end the year then to give people a chance to read about all the things you believe a new year represents. Just our little way of telling everyone reading, Happy New Year. 2010 can be awesome, but only if you make it awesome! Bye!!!!!
What is Young Padawan?
Anyway, I love this one....
"A new year is the opportunity to re-do last year, only better and awesomer"
and also this one..the last phrase of your post..
"[put any word here] can be awesome, but only if you make it awesome!"
=D Happy New Year Darling! Can't wait to see u. =)
I like this phrase..
"A new year is the opportunity to re-do last year, only better and awesomer"
Grab the opportunity :)
Happy New Year Summer & Seth! :)
a new year year is an oppurtunity to redo last year =)
i likeeeee
hehehheh...star wars? hahah..funny2
Nice one..=)
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