10 Largest Malaysian Companies by Market Cap . My former "teacher" and current "opportunity giver" are in the list. Rasa happy *smiles*. Which is which? That's confidential. =P
1. Sime Darby (RM53.9 billion)
2. Maybank (RM48.6 billion)
3. CIMB (RM46 billion)
4. Maxis (RM40.3 billion)
5. Public Bank (RM39.9 billion)
6. IOI Corp (RM36.5 billion)
7. Tenaga Nasional (RM36.5 billion)
8. MISC (RM31.3 billion)
9. Genting (RM27.2 billion)
10. Axiata (RM25.8 billion)
My first job hopping experience was full of doubts, fears and almost tears. I never thought i would job hop but i did. The Opportunity just came knocking on my door when i was comfortably working with "teacher".
I did feel sad when i made up my mind to leave. It wasn't an easy decision because i loved my work. i loved the salary. i loved the environment. I loved the people. I loved the canteen, the office, the surau... I loved everything! (tipulah if i said i never whined. i did whine but a good one =P).
So why did i still leave the "teacher"? Because i want to improve myself. That's it. Stepping out of the comfortable zone is the way to go. Big money is also what i was eyeing for haha but that's not the main reason. What i want and need right now is KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE and SKILLS. And "Opportunity" offers me that. New knowledge, new experience and new skill excites me! *roars* Hahaha. but hey. i am serious. *muka serious tetiba lepas ketawa*
How about you? Ever job hopping before? or ever plan to job hop? Kalau yes, make sure you do it for the right reason. Otherwise, you wouldn't get Happiness.
I did feel sad when i made up my mind to leave. It wasn't an easy decision because i loved my work. i loved the salary. i loved the environment. I loved the people. I loved the canteen, the office, the surau... I loved everything! (tipulah if i said i never whined. i did whine but a good one =P).
So why did i still leave the "teacher"? Because i want to improve myself. That's it. Stepping out of the comfortable zone is the way to go. Big money is also what i was eyeing for haha but that's not the main reason. What i want and need right now is KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE and SKILLS. And "Opportunity" offers me that. New knowledge, new experience and new skill excites me! *roars* Hahaha. but hey. i am serious. *muka serious tetiba lepas ketawa*
How about you? Ever job hopping before? or ever plan to job hop? Kalau yes, make sure you do it for the right reason. Otherwise, you wouldn't get Happiness.
beb! aku berada di landasan yg btul x skang ni??? aku pon konpius..
shuwa, setinggi mana tahap kegembiraan berada di landasan yg ko pilih sekarang?
jauh di lubuk hati.. adakah ko puas hati dengan apa yg ko dapat sekarang?
kalau jawapan pertama sangat tinggi and jawapan kedua sangat puas hati... maka alhamdulillah ko berada di landasan yg betul.
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