I'm thinking of creating a wedding blog... but i also want to have a special journal where i can jot down engagement & wedding ideas, plans or wishes... and then paste all the inspirational pictures that i have collected from the web... I can just choose either one. So mana satu? Online blog or Offline journal? Hmm... let's do the pros and cons.
Online Wedding Blog Pros...
Online Wedding Blog Cons...
Online Wedding Blog Pros...
- Easy to copy and paste inspirational pictures.
- Easy for Hanafee to review and give his comments and ideas.
- Easy to maintain as long as there's internet.
- Easy for others to give their advices, suggestions as well.
- Easy to make categories. Just use label.
Online Wedding Blog Cons...
- Hard to share with the parents; will have to open the blog and show them post by post.
- Cannot bring the whole blog contents to wedding window shopping.
- Cannot design the blog itself or every post as creative as i wish.
- Troublesome in case i want to add extra notes. Must search and find the post.
- Cannot update if there's no internet.
- No privacy no surprise since every plan, idea and decision are made public.
- Sakit kepala & mata. Coz of cahaya screen computer.
- I can jot down whatever i like anyhow anywhere i want. Handwritten journal. Classic!
- I can design every page creatively!
- Easy to share with parents or family. Just show them the journal!
- Easy to bring while wedding window shopping! Yay.
- Easy to share with Hanafee when he comes here. Or just bring along to KL and tada~ we can discuss face to face, better. Hehe.
- Privacy is there. Since only few people can see the journal. Mostly family and very close friends. =)
- Can still update the journal even if there's no internet. *winks*
- No problem if i want to add extra notes. Just find the page and jot it down yo!
- Tak sakit kepala and mata. No need to sit in front of computer.
Real Wedding Journal Cons...
- Have to print pictures found in color.
- Get dirty with glue since nak kena paste pictures, hiasan semua. haha.
- Time consuming since nak nampak cantik cantik every page semua.
- Have to wait for the time Hanafee will come over or me to KL baru dapat share.
- Leceh nak divide journal into categories. Takut terlebih terkurang pages.
Ok... i think i have found the winner.
I am gonna have a Wedding Journal! Yay!
wat la real wedding journal ..
lagi best...
macam jiran i buat,
dia buat dalam buku ...
semua full with her ideas on how her wedding nak macam mane...
lawa ..hehehe
wat yek
goodluck =)
I have a wedding journal! Though it seems like a long way to go but still, every girl need it! Hahaha
beb! i already have 4 book of journal..
1 book already written.. and
3 others still empty.
i'm not on this wed's journal..since i dont have bf yet.... so, i wrote about guitar in my journal.. weee!~
the color of the journal is black and red.. sounds like hanafees's colour aite?
manje, thank u for the support!! I will have a wedding journal indeed. hehe.
shaleen, u have it already? how come earlier than me? hehe.
shuwa, siap ade guitar journal lagi tuh! nape lagi 3 tak bertulis lagi beb? tak tertulis eh kata kata dari hati? hehe
kata-kata hati , hari2 asyik update.. lmbt nk ttulis kt buku tu... huhuhu
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