Wah! Sudah day 30 in year 2011! Tomorrow is 31st and then comes 1st February. Time is running fast huh? What have you accomplished so far?
I still have things-to-settle-list that i haven't strikethrough yet! Cuak itu ada. Risau itu pasti ada. But it's ok... stay calm.. stay calm...and carry on. Fuh! We can't control everything, can we? Stop being a control freak, Sabrina! Huhu.
Resolutions. Yes, actually i wanna share my resolutions with you. With the hope that you would help me by reminding me in case i forget about the resolutions. Like "Hey Sabrina, act on it! It's on your list, remember?" Ha...something like that.
So here we go... things i wanna pay a little bit more attention to:
Me and God - Sembahyang. Mengaji.
Me and Me - Make colorful cute crafts. Memasak. BMW-bijak mengurus wang. Hehe.
Me and Human - Keep quiet, sit, sleep or do something colorful cheerful peaceful when angry.
Okai, that's all. Senang tak? Can you help me?