What's wrong in wanting something simple?
Who's paying that vendor? Us. Not them.
Stop pushing and pressuring me!!!!!!
Voicing out own ideas and wants is prohibited. It's considered kurang ajar and tak dengar kata. Talking about money is also prohibited. It's considered berkira.
But when you keep thoughts to yourself and say yes all the time, that is considered bagus and solehah.
When i say i dont want. I dont want.
Tolong faham boleh tak?
Angah, please make them understand.
Sakit lah. Sakit.
Adoyaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..... :')
Takpe lah.... wat bodo je...
Kamu yang nak kawen, bukan dorang HEHEHE..
Semoga semuanya dipermudahkan ye ...
sabar ye sab ..
susah kan kalau keadaan macam ni ..
all we want is a simple majlis.
kalau boleh, nak majlis nikah yang simple je. family & cousins only.
huhu ..
tapi hati parents kite still kena jage ye tak?
be patient ya.
n try to have fun =)
dulu mase kite kan sab, mule2 tarikh kawen. kitorg nak raya haji, pastu pakcik2 taknak sbb diorg nak balik kampung sebelah lain. pastu tukar. siapa yg nak kawen ni?? pastu kitorg nak majlis simple, diorg nak bende2 vogue mengalahkan org kaya. kite yg bayar, pening kepala nak fikir mcm mane nak puaskan hati semua orang dgn bajet yg ade. smpi satu tahap, pressure sgt2, dengan keje2 kat skolah, dgn persiapan kahwin, dgn kehendak mcm2 orang, rase mcm nak lari jek cancelkan wedding. huhu. and i even had a fight with my mum the night before the ceremony.
and i keep wondering,
why do people get so excited about the wedding, when the thing that they should be excited and thankful about is the marriage itself?
sabarlah sayang. bila dah sempurna semua majlis, you're going to be grateful that u kept holding on.
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