15 ringgit per movie, not per person okeh. Boleh tgk ramai dengan datuk nenek pakcik makcik kawan kawan. Merapatkan Silaturrahim. =)
12 different viewing time! Boleh tgk puas puas, ulang ulang.
Non stop for 2 days! Saturday & Sunday? Monday and Tuesday? It's your call.
Langganlah Astro First Channel 480.
Ter-promote pulak. Hehe.
Watched Ngankung, Damping Malam and Aku Masih Dara with families yesterday. Best best. =D
It's a good feeling having to spend time with mom dad and siblings macam ni. Ketawa2 because we are so jakun dgn Astro First! Cam kampong ar kami. Rumah pun memang dah cam kampong. Haha.
Ngangkung was hilarious! Love the doctor's approach in giving advices. Lesson learnt: Sayangilah keluarga dan jauhilah nombor ekor!
Damping Malam was a bit slow at first but it's getting interesting towards the end. It's a family movie. A good reminder not to venture into the dark world...
Aku Masih Dara was awesome! Yes sexy clothes, daring acts... but whateva. It's the message that counts. I love the scripts and scenarios... it's happening in our society now....so close and so true... hmmph.
Erm...so what's up with the colorful bottle huh? Hehe. Because i wanna say to you...Have a Rainbowy Sunday with family and friends! Go go get the Astro First Now!! Da~
astro first tak sama macam astro box office ke???
Box Office tu citer lama lama... Astro First ni citer yg sedang ditayangkan di wayang wayang sekarang.... tapi citer movie melayu je lah setakat ni...
hahaha... astro first besh!!! tp, cmner kn industri perfileman negara sab? dowg tgh bz bdiskusi ttg ne lageh.. but i loike it too.
tp, tuk waktu skang sbg org bujang yg kurang kasih sayang. tgk muvee kt TGV la the best treatment ever....
wah... support kawan lama nampak? hahahaha. nak datang rumah kau lah tumpang tengok :p
@ dewi: kurang kasih sayang?! ko dapat banyak kasih sayang ok. di kelilingi kumbang lebih dari seekor! hikhik. =P
@ chezzem: i think i know whats in ur head babe. That A.Khairul is my brother lah!! hahahha =P Buleh buleh, bachelorette party tgk movies kat umah aku lah, ok tak? hikhik.
Alamak shaleen, u were referring to Dodi eh? hahaahaha. Damn, aku fikir sampai ke sekolah rendah.. hahahaa
Hahahahaha Oh Sabbbbbbbb!!! Hehehehe. Oh yeah? Tapi takkan tengok muvie aje kot?? Hehehe
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