OK this will be another political piece simply put because what happened yesterday for me was lunacy. For those who do not keep updated on the current news profile of governance or politics, Yesterday was the day the parliament was in session for the first time after the general elections. I watched it, seeing that for the first time it was going to be on TV live. This is what i had in mind...
"A live telecast of Malaysian leaders debating and questioning the issues for the greater good of the country, to establish a democratic liberal government that is associated only to the uprising and upbringing of the nations people for a better nation, country and society..."
What i got was...
"Its a circus... a really bad circus...."
For what was shown on TV that night proved a few things... but first let me be very clear what i think about it.... IT WAS TREMENDOUSLY EMBARRASSING...
A figure of a polling proved that more than 68% percent of the nation tuned in last night to watch was suppose to be a great and enthralling battle of wits and intelligence, and leadership and charisma... but it wasnt... it was a battle of the incumbent who were out for free publicity. To solve it lets first mention what was the problem...
For me the problem is only this - Everyone came that day being offensive. The government came knowing that the numbers were now leveled and what ever fight they had gone through before this would be increased staggeringly because the playing field is now leveled. The numbers are almost the same. If the government shout ten the opposition today can also shout ten if not a nine. The government came thinking they have to be offensive, the opposition too. Why? because they think theyre coming to the enemy's playground so its like walking into a gang member area so they think "we have to stamp authority... lets be offensive." Yeah thats exactly what we want from our leaders. narrow mindedness.
So narrow that an opposition leader called a government incumbent a "bigfoot" which the government incumbent then replied by calling him a "monkey". Yeah mature... very mature...
some of my friends say its the speakers fault for not being able to hold them in order.. i think any man being placed the burden of controlling to sides that has been enemies for ages should get pity and not blame. Trust me its hard enough being the middle man for a friends dispute... imagine doing it on a national scale. With by the way the allegedly great minds of the nation.
by the way if youre wondering what an incumbent is... an incumbent is a political term which means to hold a position in governing ministries. A government ministry has incumbents oppositions might not. back to topic.
we have the problem which is our leaders being fanatics to free publicity, childish and offensive.
So what do we do??? How do we solve a problem that includes peoples mentality?? Well for one thing we say it out loud so maybe they might listen... if anyone who is related to someone important is reading this do pass it along...
Be open to debate... why question the protocol and procession when you can start talking about creating a better nation??? Mr. Speaker... let them ask their questions and leaders answer them please... Answer them to the extent that they no longer have a question... I think Pak Lah was right in saying "I dont mind accepting supplementary questions..." i think he was right to do so.... but what took him so long??? by allowing the opposition to argue with the speaker Pak Lah was allowing them to go on so the opposition would look bad which was political.... you were suppose to intervene the speaker and mention it earlier... answer the questions.. i mean how many questions do they have?? plus questions make your plan better because we all know its not perfect so might as well rectify it where we can. Why wait so long smiling when you can be the bigger person??? They have questions.. if you think its interupting your point tell them to wait for a minute... ive seen high school debate which was far more intelligent...
My point is this... lest the leaders of our nation, of Malaysia learn to put the people first and politics second, then they are not patriots. This proves one thing and one thing only... the opposition is just as bad as the government. Why argue on triviality?? Why??? Is it that important that you have to put the issues of our nations future on hold???
The government incumbents are going to say its the opposition fault and the opposition is saying its the government peoples fault... Sound familiar??? because i remember this all the time when my father would get me and my brothers together after a fight... when i was 9 i would say its my brothers fault and vice versa... and we both got a beating. If only parliament was this easy to deal with.
To the government... its time to wake up.. the people have spoken.. start co-operating with the opposition because one - they;'re not going anywhere... 2ndly - they are there for the same reasons you are... they want a better nation.
To the opposition... its time to open our minds to public debate... allow for issues that is regarding the people not the political. Politics should come second... because one - the people have spoken and the government is still the government.. 2ndly - they want a better nation too...
Unless both sides understand that their objectives are the same, their beliefs of a better nation are the same then we will be playing in mud when the world build homes of bricks. Leaders you went to parliament to debate together so you can build a platform for a better future. Build then a better platform for the future. Its like building a house together... if we argue on what kinds of bricks to use or who gets to lay the bricks and the stones and the foundation... when will we ever finish building the house??
I beg our leaders... please oh please start with the building... lets think about who gets credit later.....
the end.
Itu lah hakikatnya. Ahli parlimen BN menyalahkan pembangkang tapi hakikatnya mereka juga begitu.
Pijoyz... thanks for leaving a comment... I am afraid if my writing was a interpreted as an attack on the government... it is not... neither is it an attack on the opposition party... The reason for the blog is so that students like you and me might be reminded of our future responsibilities... Kalau ko lah pijoy... ko akan jadi pemimpin yang macam mana??? ko rasa ko boleh terima tak pandangan pembangkang atau kerajaan??? apa yang akan ko lakukan kalo ko yang ada dalam dewan rakyat aritu??????
If we start thinking and acting like leaders... who knows maybe one day you might be one on the opposition and ill be one on the government and you know we can work together for the people...
Answer me this.... What would you do???
Hehehehe. Pjoy ni memang muke pembangkang... =P just kidding,pjoy.
when two debaters meet!! so i'm expecting healthy discussion here.
pjoy jgn lupe jawab ye.
Sayang... i gave up debating in competitions a long time ago... particularly because of this... because people no longer debate for the sake of better info exchange but rather to win a competition
1st sori la sebab aku x tgk tayangan live kelmarin tapi aku dapat bayangkan macam mana. Sebab aku pnah tgk keadaan persidangan dewan rakyat. kemudian dari berita-berita dan sedikit sebanyak klip video persidangan parlimen sebelum ni.
isu monyet dan sebagainya aku rasa dah lama wujud tapi sebab sebelum ni x open, so x ramai tau. Ttg monyet, KJ terlebih dahulu dah gunakannya. Sebelum ni, isu "derma darah" pun boleh timbul dalam parlimen sebelum ni. itu la keadaan politik kita senanya.
Pada pandangan aku, keadaan dalam parlimen kini, pembangkang disebabkan pertambahan wakilnya, diorg nak lebih suara dalam parlimen. sebab tu timbul isu ada soalan x dikemukakan dan sebagainya. Kerajaan pula, diorg cuba nak biarkan pembangkang lebih merapu agar diorg nak rakyat tau yang pilihan rakyat pilih pembangkang adalah silap! lebih kurang macam unsur balas dendam gak la. seboleh mungkin nak tonjol keburukan pembangkang. sebab tu pak lah lambat respon. biar gaduh2 dulu. tu pandangan aku la.
Involve in debate, aku banyak terdedah dengan pro dan kontra sesuatu tindakan kerajaan. adat la stiap benda ada buruk dan baiknya. Cuma kadangkala terkilan dengan media kita yang terlalu berat sebelah. Kesalahan kerajaan sebolehnya ditutup dan diberitakan dengan ayat pasif. kalau kesalahan pembangkang pula, penceritaannya seperti kesalahan tu boleh sebabkan kiamat. Sebab tu aku lebih suka baca media terbuka cam MalaysiaKini so aku leh tau berita dedua pihak dengan adil.
Tentang kerajaan n pembangkang, aku terima kedua-duanya punye pendapat. Sebab pada aku, banyak tindakan kerajaan benar. cuma ape yg aku lihat, kerajaan lebih fokus untuk pembangunan dan pembangkang kebajikan. dan ape yang pembangkang bangkitkan juga ada benarnya. contoh isu subsidi minyak. kalau dulu kerajaan kata tak boleh nak tambah subsidi lagi, kalau tak nanti negara bankrup. tapi lepas pilihanraya ni, boleh pulak kerajaan buat. takde pulak bankrup negara.
kemudian, pada aku gak, kadangkala pembangkang ni x nampak ape hala tuju mereka yang satu. ape yang diorang nak capai sama-sama antara parti dalam pakatan tu. tu satu benda yang x jelas. tapi beberapa tindakan diorang di negeri yang diperintah, agak bagus dan memang memahami keperluan rakyat. cam air percuma 20 liter padu. mungkin pandangan kerajaan selangor skang selangor dah agak maju berbanding yg lain, so mereka cuba alih fokus untuk jaga kebajikan rakyat pula. tindakan yang mengurangkan sedikit beban rakyat yang sedang diambang kenaikan harga barang. tapi ada juga menteri BN yang x setuju. sebabnya kurang konkrit.
tapi apa yang agak jelas selepas PRU 12, sememangnya banyak kepincangan dalaman dan penyalahgunaan kuasa terdedah. Isu balkis, isu dokumen rasmi kerajaan hilang di pejabat SUK, isu perebutan kuasa MB terengganu walaupun sesama ahli umno, kritikan pedas tun M,bekas menteri raba wanita, isu babi di selangor yang pada aku ibarat membuka pekung didada sendiri dan banyak lagi.
Kes-kes yang ditimbulkan pembangkang ada benarnya hinggakan kadangkala kenyataan antara menteri sendiri berbeza. Tapi semua ni tidak menafikan kebaikan yang telah dibawakan oleh kerajaan. cuma tak perlu dibangkitkan sebab dah banyak dakwat media kita mencetak 1001 kebaikan kerajaan.
Jika pendapat yang dikemukakan benar, mengapa tidak kita kerajaan dan pembangkang bersatu dalam sesuatu perkara. bukannya tugas pembangkang untuk membangkang segala hal. tugas mereka sepatutnya membangkang andai isu tersebut tidak atau kurang beri faedah pada rakyat dan negara. jika baik, wajarlah bersetuju kan.
tentang pemerintahan PR di 4 negeri, masih terlalu awal untuk menilai. beri peluang dan kita lihat hasilnya. jika hanya tin kosong, gulingkan mereka dalam PRU seterusnya. sewajarnya kerajaan sedar bahawa rakyat telah gunakan demokrasi untuk memberikan pengajaran pada mereka. kurangkan ego. aku benci menteri yang ego cam nazri tuh. patut contohi mentri senior macam muhyidin yasin dan tengku razaleigh.
fuh.. panjang lak aku komen. sori la kalo x tersusun. wat beberapa keje dalam satu masa. hehehehe
Pijoy.. thank you for replying with a comment... you brought upon a lot of nice issues... So here are some things we can share...
Subsidized fuel... the subsidizing of fuel is based on no longer consumption. You see the market price tag for fuel is today determined by a global market. The reason why it cannot be established earlier is because foreign and local company regarding oil and fuel has to have a five year revenue adjustment which expired around the date of early april which then moved the new oil plan. The oil plan has been under the bags for a very long time and 90 percent of the revenue has been used to create the new oil industrial line in kedah which untimely enough will create in the next ten years more than 25000 new jobs. Yes thats right 25000 new jobs and that is not including old jobs that is already there and just waiting for people to resign or retire.
If both sets of government and opposition betul betullah nak mengurangkan beban rakyat... then give them what they earn most. Free education. Here is my plan. Raise the tax on the one percent richest people in the country by three percent... i mentioned it before. Ive done the numbers in doing so we would generate around 1.3-3.4 billion ringgit which would account for education starting with primary schools and up to a degree for every child in malaysia.
our education plan is one of the most successful system in the world. for a country barely 55 years old we have created more jobs than we have ever created. Sadly enough inflation numbers are raising... this can be overturned. An inflation rate is due to too much spending on oversea products. Which means we earn less than what we can choke up from our own resources. And 70% of this multi-billion dollar business comes from consumer driven products... handbags, football shoes, basketball shoes etc. so what do we do??? we start buying local... the government can do this... return an earlier tax rebate a year before and let the people spend it... thus increasing internal revenue but make sure its a rebate thats going to help us... for example 500 ringgit rebate when you buy a japanese car and a 1000 ringgit rebate when you buy a malaysian car. thus allowing you to increase internal revenue.
In all honesty... the government has done us a lot of good. But the argument remains that socialism might have its way with our society. Hegel (a historian) predicted that the death of capitalism will come from socialism. Socialism is when society cares more about who is a good man and who is not. but unlike the global society.. our views of a good men is 90% percent of the time is a religious man...
mind you this is not true... yes a religious man is good man... i dont doubt that... but are we saying a man that is not religious cannot be a good man???
Which brings us to the question of religion. in 1992-1998 a movement of religious people began to take shape in Malaysia. They were behind a lot of things that remained unreported by the government simply because we could not risk intervention of USA who at that time were cracking down to intervene in countries that had religious groups. The Baling tragedy, abu Sayyaf... it was reported that abu sayyaf was from phillipines but they were not...
these right wing activists. were clamped down by Mahathir during his reign and it was never heard of. The government sealed it shut... thats why most government officials are so paranoid at an islamic government which would end up promoting other religious activists group... mind you im all for a muslim country... but extremisms i cannot condone...
The government shut that out too... the oppositions political tactics to empower non malaysa might have back fired but they knew it too... thats why the non malay candidate under PAS was in Johor. It is what political analyst called "taking a temperature" just gauge the level of acceptance of the society.
I would like karpal singh to be better... such a brilliant mind.. reminding by the way karpal singh fought for lina joy... i expected more of him...
I wished Azizah would stop arguing about ISA and instead focus on the things that mattered to people.
I wished Pak Lah would be more willing to accept... i wished khairy jamaludin would be in ISA actually... and i wish for leaders to prove how they can stand up to public debates... pijoy our views are wonderfully written... the problem with the government is this...
they lack essence... they do their job... they create jobs for us... but no one ever mentions it..no one... find me a star newspaper quote that mentions how much jobs malaysia has created in the past 10 years.. or utusan... they wont write about it because even some of our ministers dont know...
so i accept your ideas... remind you that i am not for the government.. the format of my reply is like this because it seems that you lift the opposition higher than the government... if you had lifted the government higher than i would have lifted the opposition higher... is debating right??? hehehe there is no right and wrong... just how you argue it that matters...
Hehehe... yeah.. i know... its fair that way.. i really respect you becoz i think ur fact is better than mine!
Aku tau yang harga minyak dikawal oleh OPAC. tapi cuma ape yg aku x faham kenapa sebelum pru kata mustahil untuk kawal harga minyak tapi lepas pru kata boleh pulak. sebab pada aku, situasi ekonomi sebelum dan selepas pru hampir sama. x beza sgt. sebab itu la ada tanggapan negatif kat PM ni.
aku setuju dengan idea naikkan tax untuk golongan berpendapatan tinggi. tapi kalau perasan juga, golongan pendapatan tinggi ni la paling liat nak bayar cukai. mungkin bila semakin banyak duit, diorg jadi semakin sayang kat duit mengalahkan orang yang benar-benar menghargai nilai wang 1 sen.
tentang barangan tempatan pula, bagus untuk buat rebate sebegitu. cuma masalahnya untuk ubah mentaliti rakyat malaysia pada barangan tempatan yang agak sukar. bukan ape, sikap pengusaha tempatan yang kadangkala lebih mementingkan keuntungan berbanding kualiti menyebabkan rakyat kita sendiri kurang percaya dengan barangan kita. sebab itu kadang kala ramai yang sanggup berbelanja lebih kerana mereka tau produk tu lebih berkualiti. jadi pada aku, kita perlukan satu organisasi untuk pantau kualiti produk malaysia ni agar setanding dengan produk luar. barulah rakyat kita lebih yakin pada barangan tempatan. mungkin ada sirim, tapi aku x rasa semua produk malaysia wajib melalui pemeriksaan sirim kan.
isu agama pula, berkaitan dengan konsep negara islam yang cuba dibawakan oleh pas ataupun malaysia baru yang diketengahkan oleh pkr. pada aku walaupun pas kata nak tubuhkan kerajaan negara islam kalau dia dapat memerintah, tapi sepanjang pengetahuan aku pas x pernah lagi buat satu rangka cadangan konsep pelaksanaan negara islam ni(betulkan jika salah). apa pendekatan dia, cara pengurusan ekonomi negara islam, dan segala yang berkaitan. adakah dengan sekadar melaksanakan hudud, terus dikatakan negara islam. itu kelemahan pas dan sebab itu sehingga hari ini isu hudud sering diputarbelitkan oleh yang tidak bersetuju. alangkah baiknya jika pas membuat satu rangka cadangan yang kemas, terperinci dan tersusun tentang pelaksanaan negara islam agar rakyat yang berbilang agama ini dapat menilai sendiri. Namun, adakah mereka takut untuk berbuat begitu kerana bimbang akan diimitasi oleh BN dan menghapuskan peluang mereka untuk berkuasa. itu je anggapan yang dapat dibuat. tapi pada aku, jika konsep pelaksanaan negara islam pas dipersetujui oleh BN, ape salah nya mereka bersatu kan sebab matlamatnya sama.
Agree!!! Kalau PAS ada perangkaan yang jelas besar kebarangkalian dia akan menang... BN nasib baik sebab perangkaan PAS selalunya tak pernah lebih kemas dari apa yang ada sekarang ... in the last election.. anwar yang tolong susun including the inclusion of non malays bawah pas... Anwar.... what a great political mind.. he and tun m are two different levels compared to Pak lah.... people saw that in the last election
first of all. i'm impressed with Sabrina’s blog post on the topic of How our leaders mock free speech .
you're right. instead of seeing the difference we people share, why can't we see the common visions we share?
instead of debates, why can't we start a whole new thing we call, "Anti-debate".
imagine if schools start organizing this totally other way round debates. you fight for the OPPOSITION/ your OPPONENT, with rock solid points, and your opponents the other way round, fighting for your stand. and see who won the battle.
see what i see? do not disclose the hidden agenda behind the education value of that debate, which is to surprise them at the end of the day by asking them to reflect upon themselves, "had you just fought for your opponents? had you not proven that they are as sound as you are or even much better than you are?"
regardless of who you are, had you been seriously considering the goods of your opponent instead of magnifying their bads.
can the future be better if everybody tries to make a tiny difference by seeing others they never would have seen good as GOOD?
think about it.
imagine if somebody is able to level the "playfield" of these opposing parties. the ex-PM perhaps, or somebody wiser and yet has no political interest in any ways, widely recognized for his or her impartialness. Perhaps a higher judge?
"let us all have a fair fight. let's see if you can win this real life debate."
"you can only win this deal/ bid by convincing us that you see ALL the POSITIVES and that you had checked the limitations and CORRECT them. afterall a REAL LEADER is a leader who can make believe amazing possibilities and he or she will not be able to do so without the forevision of seeing the GOODs HAPPENING in the EYE."
to the opponents, "imagine you are one of the government party leaders. what are your strengths and how would you plan for a better national development by using them?"
so to the government party, you expect the opposite.
"for every negative point you highlight, your 1 mark credibility will be deducted, whereas for every positive point you highlight, you'll get 2 marks added to your credibility."
"let us not take our own party into the debate. for every point we touched on our own party, 3 marks of credibility deducted!"
"let us not take this as a game, but a real deal. if you win the debate, you win the parliament and we grant you the bid!"
"stop the fXXking rage by starting with 'crap! nonsense, this is totally impossible and i think it's ridiculous because the government/ the opposition has got NOTHING worth to be CREDITED for!’..."
"if you go about that way, you lose the bid, effectively and immediately!" to be ruled by high court!
and we imagine the whole debate session running through and done.
here comes the result, announcing, "the (government/ opposition) wins!"
everybody cheered and some, the losers might be pissed.
here comes the highest judge, "hadn't we just found some common grounds we can work together? so you win, but had you seen something you had never given yourself a chance to see?"
let the crowds reflect upon themselves.
i'm pretty optimistic that the government party and the opposition will shake hands and laugh together after.
if you think it's too hard or almost impossible to have them do so..
i have a suggestion.
assemble the youth debate talents and assign them their roles of either side of the parties. let them study into the party first for perhaps 1 week.
then on the exact date of the debate itself, INSTRUCT the above rules of the game by a TWIST of CHALLENGE!
document the whole thing. then show them to the public if it impresses them.
alternatively, assemble youth talents who are able to stage dramas. present the sketch above and document them. but then i believe the effect and impact wouldn't be as strong cause it's STAGED and PLOTTED. NOT REAL.
what do you think about it.
just my vision, hopefully it inspires.. thanks and great to read your blog post!
=P i'm glad i know you sabrina
"let us all have a fair fight. let's see if you can win this real life debate."
"you can only win this deal/ bid by convincing us that you see ALL the POSITIVES and that you had checked the limitations and CORRECT them. afterall a REAL LEADER is a leader who can make believe amazing possibilities and he or she will not be able to do so without the forevision of seeing the GOODs HAPPENING in the EYE."
to the opponents, "imagine you are one of the government party leaders. what are your strengths and how would you plan for a better national development by using them?"
so to the government party, you expect the opposite.
"for every negative point you highlight, your 1 mark credibility will be deducted, whereas for every positive point you highlight, you'll get 2 marks added to your credibility."
"let us not take our own party into the debate. for every point we touched on our own party, 3 marks of credibility deducted!"
"let us not take this as a game, but a real deal. if you win the debate, you win the parliament and we grant you the bid!"
"stop the fXXking rage by starting with 'crap! nonsense, this is totally impossible and i think it's ridiculous because the government/ the opposition has got NOTHING to be CREDITED!..."
"if you go about that way, you lose the bid, effectively and immediately!" to be ruled by high court!
and we imagine the whole debate session running through and done.
here comes the result, announcing, "the (government/ opposition) wins!"
everybody cheered and some, the losers might be pissed.
here comes the highest judge, "hadn't we just found some common grounds we can work together? so you win, but had you seen something you had never given yourself a chance to see?"
let the crowds reflect upon themselves.
i'm pretty optimistic that the government party and the opposition will shake hands and laugh together after.
if you think it's too hard or almost impossible to have them do so..
i have a suggestion.
assemble the youth debate talents and assign them their roles of either side of the parties. let them study into the party first for perhaps 1 week.
then on the exact date of the debate itself, INSTRUCT the above rules of the game by a TWIST of CHALLENGE!
document the whole thing. then show them to the public if it impresses them.
alternatively, assemble youth talents who are able to stage dramas. present the sketch above and document them. but then i believe the effect and impact wouldn't be as strong cause it's STAGED and PLOTTED. NOT REAL.
what do you think about it.
just my vision, hopefully it inspires.. thanks and great to read your blog post!
=P i'm glad i know you sabrina.
dear chrishee...
Its a good point of view you give.. a good suggestion.. but to do so in a high school debate would confuse students... trust me at the level they are debating nowadays its going to be hard to recuse them of their own seat and change opinions....
What could be done is this... create a system... you wanna talk about banning partial birth... then dont talk about partial birth.. talk about whether your banning selective and non-selective partial birth.. and once youve selected that give us your system... women in what age... Victims of rape?? have a resolute and concrete system... so people will begin to question system process.. remember that in a government what matters most is the system process it allows us to understand why getting a license takes two weeks...
By creating a society that understands and demands system only then can we change our leaders... changing our leaders needs to start from the people... if people begin to question and what needs to be done then the leaders eventually will have to answer them...
I think the next election will be won on this... public debates... yes you wanna loger oil prices... next question HOW?????? WHAT IS YOUR SYSTEM???? then and only then can you truly raise the level of public debate, mentality and at the same time the level of our leaders...
The issues are there... like ive said... you wanna abolish ISA??? then what do you want to replace it with??? you wanna abolish AUKU then what do you want relpace it with.... all this needs process system... and all this can be done if the people ask more about system process than what the leaders have to promise us...
think about it ya?? and keep reading!!!
Hey Chris!
Thanks for dropping by and commenting. =)
Just informing you that this post wasn't written by me. It was my guy who wrote the piece. Perhaps you overlook the "posted by Witty Hanafee" down there. He's a member of YS too.
Anyway, Keep on reading to read his excellent writing ya!
dear saudara hanafee,
definitely you opened up my horizon. no doubt. i'll try to follow more national issues from now on and probably occasionally drop by your shared blog 2 read your updates. so as to be more factual and relevant in my thinking and comments. interesting.
and yes interesting point, "question the SYSTEM PROCESS instead of just knowing the system", if my interpretation of your comment is correct? but then again, i do believe that we can still implement the "REVERSE-DEBATE" thing (a correction to my initial idea of "ANTI-DEBATE"). i don't think it's too hard for the talented students to do so. why?
1st of all, the students, if competent should have studied into the weaknesses or admin of the opposition too in order to prepare themselves for the arguments the opposition could be raising up during debate. you can never beat the opponent until you know what your opponent has in mind. it's kinda like a the Sun Tze Strategy.
2nd, we are aiming to nurture leaders who can THINK ON THEIR FEET, here i stress on the EFFECTIVENESS and EFFICIENCY of our youths to CHALLENGE the current MODERATE PROGRESS. the best debaters are those who can THINK ON THE SPOT and FIGHT INTELLIGENTLY, NOT BLINDLY!
just a sharing of ideas. by the way, i do respect you a lot and may i know which major did you undertake for your tertiary education and which university is that? are there specific positions you had undertaken in the past that helped brought up a candidate like you? sorry for intruding your privacy, in case you feel offended in any ways, i deeply apologize and please feel free to ignore my questions. just wish to understand your background so i can understand your stand and the making up of a distinct leader.
did you study Social Science?
dear saudari Sabrina,
oops i'm so sorry.. haha. hope that's not offensively taken. thanks again.
by the way i like the pic posted for EXAM FEVER and the poem: ETERNAL PLACE. and i'd left comments on both.
ps: is it offensive or rude for me to refer to you both as saudara or saudari? sorry if yes and i'll correct it next time. thxs. take care. =D
I dont consider myself a leader.. i only consider myself a good friend to my friends... some of them are political and i try to help them out when they need it... In truth im still in my second semester third year in UKM majoring in English literature and human resources.... histroy, politics, social sciences are just some of the things im interested in... i read more when i ask question... a few weeks ago i read a book and placed it under my library... its where i put my favorite quotes from meekly books that i read. A few weeks ago i think you would have liked the book i read... a man under socialism by oscar wilde... check it out...
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