Monday, June 2, 2008


Inda is one of my closest friends in college.
She’s cheerful, friendly and loves kids.
Being the only child of the family doesn’t make her a spoilt lady.
Her favorite color is purple.
She just completed her studies and about to start her practical next week.
Today, 2nd day of June is her birthday.

To my beloved friend, Inda

Happy 22nd Birthday!!!!!

Good luck in your future undertaking.
I thank God for giving me, a good friend; you.

Thank you for everything. For every laugh, tear, memory.
Thank you for being a great friend, accompanying me when I was bored
and listening to my whine and babbling.
Thank you for being patient with me when I was having a mood swing.
Thank you for visiting me in my room. =)

Sorry too, for every mistakes that I’ve done to you.
I am sorry if I ever hurt you in any way.
I am sorry I didn’t get to see you when I left college that early morning.

I love you (nak cakap face2face malu hikhik)
If I could I hug you right now...I would. (yg ni takpe, tak malu)
Take care during internship.

Do not forget to keep in touch. Friendster. YM. Skype. Email.
Be good and keep on smiling.
I hope to see you again.
Jangan lupe aku tau! Missing you already!!

Happy Birthday Again!


DeWi said...

hepi besday inda! LI leklok... jgn mcm budak2 kt tmpt LI.. hee~

inda said...

thank u sab.. it's such a wonderful gift to hv u and jiji as my closest friends.. really appreciate that.. hmm.. can't write much as it's hard to put all nice words here.. and i'm not a blogger either.. huhu..
keep in touch n thanx 4 evrything =)

Witty Hanafee said...

Happy birthday inda.... semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki... hehhe skema siot... i wish i knew you better heheheh

~n0n0i~ said...

HappY birthDay INDA!!!!!!!!!
wish u happiness & succes owez..
keep on singing!! keke.. :D

mOOn said...

hepy beshday inda..nape smlm tbe2 ko ilang..aku ingtkn ko nk tdo cni..huhu..

inda said...

ak kene bgn pg2 la.. kalo tdo blek ko nnt ak mls nk blk blek pg tu.. huhu..
best wei dh blk umah.. gumbiranya hatiku =)

tokentasya said...

hepy befday inda..wat la blog..bole gosip2..hehe