Today is my younger sister's birthday!!
she is sixteen now.
oleh kerana birthday dia jatuh pada hari dia di asrama
dan dia tak boleh nak bawak handphone
maka dengan rajinnya dier telah telefon semua ahli keluarga
nak tuntut ucapan happy birthday.
hee hee~
Dear Syirah,
if ur reading this...
(i know ur gonna have to read this coz i'm gonna ask you to. haha.)
Happy 16th Birthday!!!
too bad u have to celebrate it at school...
but from my experience,
it's a way more fun celebrating it there
with friends and admirers and boyfriend
to give you chocolates and gifts and perhaps bears?
Belajar rajin rajin kamu!!
Jgn asyik kawad or basketball je!!
ketawa tu jgn besar besar. nanti muke makin panjang!!
Selamat Hari Lahir again.
Semoga panjang umur murah rezeki
dikurniakan akal yang sempurna
berjaya dunia dan akhirat
don't do something i wouldn't do.
even though u
has no pimple just yet,
taller than me
fleshier than me
better in kitchen than me
i am still ur big sister and
i am cuter than you
this post is my gift for you.
i love you.
i do.
take care.
she is sixteen now.
oleh kerana birthday dia jatuh pada hari dia di asrama
dan dia tak boleh nak bawak handphone
maka dengan rajinnya dier telah telefon semua ahli keluarga
nak tuntut ucapan happy birthday.
hee hee~
Dear Syirah,
if ur reading this...
(i know ur gonna have to read this coz i'm gonna ask you to. haha.)
Happy 16th Birthday!!!
too bad u have to celebrate it at school...
but from my experience,
it's a way more fun celebrating it there
with friends and admirers and boyfriend
to give you chocolates and gifts and perhaps bears?
Belajar rajin rajin kamu!!
Jgn asyik kawad or basketball je!!
ketawa tu jgn besar besar. nanti muke makin panjang!!
Selamat Hari Lahir again.
Semoga panjang umur murah rezeki
dikurniakan akal yang sempurna
berjaya dunia dan akhirat
don't do something i wouldn't do.
even though u
has no pimple just yet,
taller than me
fleshier than me
better in kitchen than me
i am still ur big sister and
i am cuter than you
this post is my gift for you.
i love you.
i do.
take care.
hahaha! thats funny.
happy birthday Syirah!
ps: don't be gatal like ur sister heh... :p
hee~ hey syirah.. hepy besday sis.. ur besday same as JIJIE's mother besday..
wuuu~ swonoknye celebrate during skool time... nnti leh pow all the boyfwends kt skola tu... hik3...
smoga bjaya dlm idup ya... tada~
syira... ingat nak msg syira wish happy birthday.. but you know how your sister is when i start messaging you hehehhe... Anyways... 16 should be the best birthday ever... so biler cuti sekolah ill drive to jb with along and we'll have your own birthday party ok???!!!
waa.. i love birthday wish entry...
stiasa meriah..
to syira..
happy belated birthday
semoga ceria salu...
Heppi beshdae Syirah~
Demn, i feel OLD! Haha
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