My girlfriend an avid reader of blogs came across this one page that i think a lot of people should check out - http://us2.malaysia-today.net/2008/content/view/10901/84/
Now the interesting thing about this is not the post in its ownself but rather the comments that came afterwards. I was always under the impression that you should never totally and perfectly believe what we read in books, magazines or even newspapers and i assumed that most of the bloggers or people that read blogs would have the same amount of cynicism that i have. Apparently i was wrong. I have always believed that what ever happens in this world it is up to the judicial system to act and if that is corrupted God would probably show the way, however i read comments and i see all these people leaving behind idiotic and irrelevant comments and i think to myself "all this because they read something online? acting like its the gospel truth..."
The fundamentals of being a good readers, analyst and even journalist and even a good human being is that you always have a skeptic side to everything. Why one earth would this article be published online clear cut with the fact to be placed on one side of the argument. I was thinking to myself that if i had the capacity, to change and influence how people think i might use it so people would agree with my ideas with how i saw things.
Sadly enough a posted pdf format letter (which by the way could have been written by anyone) is all it takes to convince people. I know not how to approach this issue of sodomy and lying and religious ideas, i do not know how. All i know is that i always remain skeptic towards everything that people give you. Even the history books in high school was always questioned. Championing one man to the extent that a simply posted document on the web could convince you of his innocence is just down right idiotic.
If someone there posted a comment as such
"I downloaded the pdf format and had one of my lawyer friends look at it and found that it was authentic because the MD's registration number bla bla bla and there fore the letter is authentic bla bla bla"
i would have thought "ok thats a relief someone actually took the time"
But all i saw was
"damn najib!"
"go to hell badawi"
"There is no need for a trial"
So.. immature.
Come on people do you really expect everyone to just read something and believe it totally? do you bloggers who once championed your ability to question everything in this world as having two sides, do you really believe reading one article online should be able to change your mind? For those who often read this blog. I wrote this blog for a group of people who are silent readers of my blog. I know they read... they've emailed me before... and i am not afraid of confrontation. read the link i posted here and think this... is a blog post really enough to convince you of something? do you believe everything you read???? :D
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