Everyday we go through life meeting people, doing things, saying things, looking at things and breathing. Without realizing though that all of the things we do everyday changes us slowly. We change everyday by the things we say and the things that are said to us. But more importantly everyday we almost never experience or show anyone a gesture to induce change.
I have always been a firm believer that changes happens slowly. In an effort to change the world, we must first begin to change one person, and that person will in exchange change another person and another and another. And these changes will one day affect the world.
So how do we change the world? how do we make the world fall in love with each other.....
Here's how i see it... once during a rainy day, i was wet out of my clothes by i had a flat tire and of course like any drama would suggest, i had to be somewhere and i had to be there soon. So i stepped out of my car in the pouring rain and started to change my tire. The rain poured so heavily that my visions were bothered by it. My hands we slippery and made it all the more difficult to change a tire. but i kept trying... then suddenly, from the corner of my eye, i saw a car pull over in front of my car. Now i dont know whether it was instinct or bad common sense, my first reaction was to grip my wrench tighter. Like i was sure i was gonna be mugged. Out came a man around my age (i was 20 then) and he came running to me and said
"need some help buddy??"
at that moment, my grip loosened and i nodded. So we spent the next 45 minutes trying to unloose bolts strengthen by a powertool and all this by force of two people. And we did, i didnt have any money so i offered him a cup of coffee and a warm meal to say thanx. He obliged and we went for lunch at a nearby mamak stall. and to my suprise we had a lot in common. but this is what he said that stuck
"I dont know actually why i stopped, i just have this obsession to believe in humanity. I want to believe that after all the shit the world has gone through, there are still people in this world worth helping. Worth taking your time to get to know. Worth your effort. I stopped not because i wanted to help you, i stopped because i wanted assurance that humanity is still kind. That chivalry is not dead. Doing you a favor, was in turn, doing myself a favor. It allowed me to believe that the only reason people are scared of each other is because they refused to lend a hand. The only reason we fight is because we refuse to reach out. I had stopped and spent my time helping you, but in return, i found a friend and more importantly,i had a glimpse of how humanity can survive in this cruel world that we have created ourselves. In doing you a favor, i did humanity a favor. In this world we just need the courage to say "need some help?" "
he sipped his drink and continued
"Who knows maybe next time.... You'd stop to save humanity..." he grinned....
A couple of years after that.. i was driving down a rainy road when i saw a car stop by the side of the road and at that moment i remembered him. I remembered those small steps he took from his car to mine, his helping look, his clam smile and most of all his favor. I thought to myself, why not.... lets at least try to save humanity. So i stopped the car and i ran towards the vehicle, a red proton saga. And as i grew closer, i saw a girl in the car and she seemed scared. Only natural i guess. I tapped on the window and she looked at me scared. I asked her to roll down her window a bit... and i took out my wallet and three my ic in. and i said
"i just wanna help..." she picked up my IC, pondered for a while and lowered her window...
"flat tire..." she said....
I smiled and said to her....
"Need some help??" trying to imitate the guy who helped me...
She smiled and nodded....
Every day we are changed by the things that happen around us. We are given the oppurtunity everyday to try and make the world a better place. And we dont realize it. Sometimes, when i tell people this story, they would say, "What if you were mugged or robbed when you tried helping that girl?" and i would tell them what the guy told me...
The only reason we are afraid of people and each other today is because we refuse to lend a hand, because we refused to reach out... because we refused to say "need some help?"
Saying "need some help?" as trivial as it may sound.... might just help to save humanity....
He changed me, and im pretty sure the girl i helped walked away that day thinking, chivalry is not dead. She and i will have realized that humanity is not lost... humanity can be saved... if we only said
"need some help??"
If I was the girl I would have these in mind:
1. Orang ni baik ke tak baik? Ntah-ntah pura-pura baik lepas tu rompak or rape aku. Perhaps he’s a conman.
2. No, takkan dia nak buat jahat pulak dalam hujan-hujan ni. Ye tak? Kalo dia jahat, takkan dia kasik IC.
3. Maybe dia org baik. Satu bentuk pertolongan dari Tuhan. Why not?
And abang, you did the right thing by giving your IC and buying her trust. =)
Hehe. Anyway, I had this one experience…wanted to share with readers.
Years ago, my girl friend and I took a bus home from shopping. An old man started to talk to us, girls. He sounded friendly and he looked like a decent man and we been optimistic, we responded to him. We thought, maybe he’s always like that to people around him. Plus, dia mcm sudah berumur about 30-40 and at that time we were teens. He asked what did we shop, he commented on the weather, asked the time..you know, general stuff.
But then after minutes of exchanging remarks, he suddenly tried to grab my friend’s hand!! We were shocked. My friend pulled her hand. “Eh, apa pegang-pegang ni!”. Yelled
And sadly, even though there were many people in the bus yet no one defended us. They just looked!!!
Then my eyes caught a guy’s eyes. He dressed like a wannabe stylo yet still “selekeh”. He kept looking at my friend and me and the man. He said nothing. He just looked at us three.
The scary incident with the “gatal” old man made me doubt everyone in the bus. I thought the selekeh guy was the gatal man’s partner in crime. Both men were conmen, I thought. (yes, I watched movies a lot).
And with that in mind, I looked and stared at the guy suspiciously.
My friend and I cepat cepat turun dari bus padahal bukan nak turun kat bus stop tu pun. Nasib baik dah nak dekat ngan rumah. We walked home. I slept at my friend’s house that night.
The next morning, while I was waiting for bus nak balik rumah, I bumped into the “selekeh” guy!!
I didn’t know why but I walked to him. He recognized me.
“Eh, awak bukan lelaki dalam bus semalam ke?”
“Kenapa awak pandang2 kitorang semalam? Orang tua tu kawan awak eh?”
“Eh, tak lah. Saya nampak orang tua tu nak pegang tgn kawan awak. Saya tak tau macam mana nak tolong, so saya just tengok-tengokkan korang dari jauh je. in case org tu nak buat apa apa lagi”
“Really?? La… saya mati-mati ingatkan awak kawan org tua tu, mata awak menakutkan. Kitorang punye cuak semalam sampai terfikir awak ni pun orang jahat. Sorry”
“Takpe” He smiled.
And we went our separate ways after that.
The moral here is, banyak.
Salah satunya adalah, for guys, kalo nak tolong, bukak mulut tu. Cakap. Otherwise, we girls akan fikir awak pun sama sama jahat.
Pengajaran yang lain pulak, Lu pikirlah sendiri!! (gaya nabil raja lawak)
Comment ni terpanjang macam dah boleh buat satu post pulak. Sorry.
this is very refreshing,witty. You're very positive with your writings. Maybe someday I'll try to be 'nicer' to strangers:)
Dear Gabby...
Sorry for the late reply in comment and thank you... be sure to keep reading.. we make people laugh/cry/dance/sing/weepliketheresnotomorrow on this blog ehehe have fun!
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