Tuesday, September 23, 2008


For those of you unfamiliar with allmalaysia.info well basically the website is what the name tells literally. It has basic information on Malaysia. Their latest section of AMBP (All Malaysian Blogs Project) is where they review the good blogs and recommend them to people. They usually find a lot of good blogs and they give an interesting write up or review about the blog. A few weeks ago, Summer drew my attention to the fact that we were the featured blog for the web at:


And at that time i didnt think it was that big a deal because i had once been featured in blog directory which was fine. Little that i know that allmalaysia.info was part of The Star Newspaper project and now im hooked. The cool thing about it is that it has been the featured blog for almost a month now, we were featured on the 20th of August and I'm no mathematical genius but i think that qualifies for a month. So there it goes. Me and Summer were happy, the reprecussions???

Well basically our nuffnang analytics indicator has mentioned for various weeks now that our total of blog readers or at least people who come to the blog have reached an estimation of 1407 unique readers, averaging more than 200 readers per week. Summer is so excited and when shes excited that means i am too... yes people i know how pathetic that sounds huh!!...

Anyway... for who ever that has been putting us on the map.. me and summer would like to say thank you... and for those who just dropped by for the first time leave a comment on any post we'll get back to you for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks people!!!!!!!!

The paragraphs below is added by Summer (hehe):

To family and friends and even you stranger, thank you. thank you so much.

Nombor 1407 itu bukanlah jumlah yg mahu dibanggakan. Sebenarnya kami berdua tersangat excited sampai nak berkongsi kegembiraan dan ke-excited-an kami ni!!! hehehhehe. Kalau dibandingkan dgn blog Dr. Mahathir or MalaysianToday, mmg seciput gile lah bilangan unique reader blog kami ni. hehe. Tapi what the plurk la kan??? Nak happy jugak!!!! =P

Thanks to AllMalaysiaInfo. You have increased the visitors to this blog and so I'm more than happy to promote your site too.. (Orang berbudi, kita berbahasa, tak gitu?)

To you who want to get more visitors as well as readers, please do not hesitate to register HERE or copy paste this link: http://allmalaysia.info/ambp/blogdir.asp

Who knows?? You might be the next featured blog..... =)

With that, We Thank You.

p/s: Wei presiden DUTA KBH!!!! Sejiwang jiwang blog kitorang pun, dapat jadik featured blog wei!!! (ini adalah gurauan) wahahhahahhha =D

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ramadhan and Syawal

It has been awhile since i had written anything in this blog. My last post was on the 11th of September titled "Pendatang" so first and foremost thank you my Sweet Summer for keeping this blog rolling while I was desperately out of inspiration.

Now enough with hellos and handshakes and straight to the agenda for today. I had not had the chance to wish readers happy ramadhan and happy upcoming syawal. As much as i would like everyone to know that I have the highest of regards for this two Islam months, it has not been the best of friends in my past. My father during his life, had loved Ramadhan always motivating us to fast and later rewarding us with anything we wanted to eat. I remember days when my dad would come home and see me pale faced and tired and he would tell me

"takper... berapa jam je lagi... sabar k boy??"

We would also cuddle together in the living room when i was little with my brothers on the couch, my mom right beside my dad on the carpet in the living room floor while he placed me and my youngest brother gently and neatly under his arms and he began telling us stories of what faith could achieve. Faith in Islam. Every raya morning my dad would wake us al four boys up and he would take us all to "sembahyang" raya and right after come home for the first meal of the day. My mom would be first in line to apologize to my dad. And my youngest brother last and up until he was 9 still ended the session with "abah duit raya mana????" and we ate and we sat and we would be happy. My dad would refuse to think about his stressful job, my mom would be all busy cooking, and my brothers would be too busy watching Feminin or KRU or 4u2c on the television set. And i would sit somewhere watching.

After my father passed away...................

Things were never the same.

If youve been wondering what kind of post is this... its a confession... confession to why i have never been happy about raya, or never been upbeat about raya.....

My Father made Ramadhan and Syawal so special, that sometimes i feel that without him, there is no point in going through any of it, none the less i do it. I fast, i go home and i go to the mosque and i celebrate raya but all, with spirit of only going through the motions. Yes i do miss him, and yes if i could, i would celebrate as if he was still alive.

I dont mean to pull everyone down with me. You should enjoy your Syawal and Ramadhan. Make the memories count, but the other day my friends and i during talking asked me a question...

"If you could have one wish during lailatul Qadar, what would you ask for??"

You can probably guess the few typical and non typical answers, money, wealth, health, iman, faith, belief... i off course answered Money.... However deep in my heart i questioned....

Would be possible if my dad could come back to life for just one day of puasa and one day hari raya??? Just those two days so we could sit one more time in that place while he speak to us in tht voice that when i remember now, brings tears to my eyes.... that warmth.... that stare.... Can Lailatul Qadar bring my father back??????????

This year... it doesnt feel different... it still feels empty... it still feels sad.... its still different.

My Second brother who is married might be celebrating raya at his wifes house which is fine i guess. So that leaves me with Mom, My oldest brother and my youngest brother. 4 of us...

People who know me i dont tend to turn to God when i have a problem, only when i am at my best and when i happy i turn to God to thank him for everything. But this will be my 11th Raya without my Dad so i say this to God...

"God, give me strength to smile on the eve of celebration... so my mother will smile with me....
God give strength to hold my tears on the morning of celebration.. So my mother will think i am happy...
God give me heart... so i can enjoy it just a little bit like when my dad was alive....
God give me..... Give me anything... let me fake happiness for the people around me....
God.... help..."

p/s - Remember those you have with you... you'll never know when they'll be gone.... Love them like theres no tomorrow... because they loved you yesterday... like there is no today...
p/s and p/s - pic was taken from sebolku.blogspot.com and i added a message.... that was the color of my dads last baju raya when i was twelve...

Selamat hari Raya people....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hari Nuzul Quran

I almost forgot today is Nuzul Quran Day
Usually mom would call and remind me
Thank God a lecturer mentioned it last night.

From Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu:

Hari Nuzul Quran adalah merupakan hari memperingati Nuzul Quran (turunnya al-Quran) kepada Nabi Muhammad S.AW pertama kalinya ketika baginda sedang berkhalwat di Gua Hira pada malam Jumaat pertepatan pada tanggal 17 Ramadhan iaitu tehun ke 41 hari kelahiran baginda atau pada tanggal 6 Ogos 610M.

To our Muslim readers.
Happy Nuzul Quran Day

Marilah mengisi hari hari kita dgn bacaan ayat Al Quran

Mak kata
"Ayat-ayat ni Quran teman kita di kubur,
ayat ayat Quran ni makanan kepada roh kita
Bacalah Quran dan niatkan untuk
roh roh ibu bapa, adik beradik, atuk nenek, keluarga,
tak kisahlah yg masih hidup atau sudah berada di Sana"

p/s: Johor tak cuti, tapi Pahang and Selangor cuti. =)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bintang, Aku, Dia dan juga Cinta

Perhatian: Entri ini seperti kejiwangan tapi Oh tidak sebenarnya.

Saya ini sedang berada dalam keresahan dan ketidaksenangan hati.
Ketakutan pun ada juga.

Salah satu cara untuk menghilangkan tekanan itu
maka wujudlah entri seperti ini.

Saya suka.
Saya gembira.

Abaikan tatabahasa yang rosak, ya.

Aku & Dia menggapai bintang.
Eceh eceh.

Suka gambar di atas ini amat, sangat, bangat.

Siapa nak bergambar seperti itu boleh pergi ke Mines.

Yang di atas ini ditujukan untuk Hanafee.
I love you!

Saya buat sendiri.
Ketika mengantuk petang tapi tak nak lena.
Tidak susah.
Hanya kretiviti dan fokus.
Guna Microsoft Word 2007 sahaja.

Sekian. Tamat.
Terima Kasey!!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Blog ini telah di-tag oleh Pjoy
Agak tak paham jugak lah pada mulanya...
apa benda yang nak kena buat?

Oh, kene letak gambar di atas dalam post baru.
Itu je rupanya.

To all readers...
Ceria-ceriakan lah hari anda
dengan senyuman yang menawan!!!

Senyum seindah suria~
Yang membawa cahaya~
Senyumlah dari hati~
Dunia pun berseri~

Senyum umpama impian~
Dalam kehidupan~
kau tersenyum, ku tersenyum~
Kemesraan menguntum~


p/s: Senyum itu sedekah. =)

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Summer mentioned that i had not written a political piece in a very long time and as i thought about it, i realized i did not want to write about it. Many of my friends wondered why i had not taken interest in this matter and to show i am interested i have written this post.

All day long we read in blogs and newspaper seeking redemption, seeking that extreme measures need to be taken because what Ahmad Ismail had done was unacceptable. I am disgusted at this. Minority leaders spoke of equality and that we should all learn to accept each other in order to live in this country we call Malaysia, but i have not seen one minority leader say

"What Ahmad Ismail said should not be taken seriously, it was a comment of one man who seems frustrated with his surroundings, a man who might not have been in the right frame of mind when he said what he said.."

No one said anything along these lines, not one, and reactions of minority leaders all seem to be that Ahmad Ismail needs to be punished, hanged, politically banned, arent these comments going to generate even more hatred? I think politicians today are more looking out for themselves. They know that if they spoke harshly on behalf of their own race they will fuel anger towards Ahmad Ismail and later fuel hatred on the party that Ahmad Ismail is a part of.

When i was in primary school, i was placed in a chinese school, my father believed in cultural integration, he believed that we had much to learn from our counterparts, and so he had tried to instill in me a certain amount of compromise. Now tell me, is there a difference with this situation compared to Chinese boys telling me to find another school because i wasnt chinese??? Telling me that i was lost for staying there... Where did these 8-9 year olds even learned these things if not from their parents??? I have been in the receiving end of racism so many times i remembered in high school wanting to play basketball i was forced to practice alone as the captain shouted in the beginning of training "Melayu practice belah sana, Cina di sini" and guess what? I was the only Malay. And i took that walk towards the other side of the world to play alone and I did.

Despite that, I have also met amazing individuals of different race that i have admired. A friend, a mentor, a lecturer, a basketball player, they too found acceptance.

I think Ahmad Ismails comments were blown way out of proportion. Had it come from a 16 year old teenager who refused to let a malay boy play basketball he would have been noted down as immature. But it doesnt make it any less significance. I have reacted well to racism always believing in humanity. but ask yourself this, what if Ahmad Ismail had been a victim of racism all his life? what if he was the boy transfered from the chinese school he had tried to learn in, to a malay school? what he was refused the right to play on a leveled playing field of a basketball court? What if he was the one graduate turned down by a Chinese company because he had to pray on fridays? What if he was fired because he went missing from the office for 15 minutes at 130pm 430pm and 715pm???? You want to tell me its not happening??

It is Malaysian mindset that we judge people quickly when we forget that only God has that right. What right do we have to judge him? and even if we do.. why pour oil on already burning fire?

The MALAYSIANS that i have known in my life are accepting, they accept the fact that we are different and how we react to certain events are different and how we have been brought up are different. Im not defending Ahmad Ismail, there was no excuse for he had said, but i refuse to be drawn to this mentality that is largely affected by politicians that he needs to be punished. God punishes you, not your fellow man.

I have sat with Chinese who lean close and whisper
"hey the chinese guys behind us are saying some bad things about you in chinese..."

I have sat with indian lecturers who say:
"Sometimes when all else fails hanafee... you turn to your God.... Im sure you'll feel a lot better..."

I have sat with Chinese friends who say
"Hey let me pay, you paid the last time we chatted"

I have met Chandra, Boon Han, Jeslyn, Huey Mei, Raj, Ai Huey, Swee Keng, Koh Yung Bing, Eldero Pan, Teo Yung Lun and they were all exceptional individuals.

But I have also met those who refused to even befriend me because i am Malay.

All im saying is that everyone has had their fair share of being treated as an outcast, victims of racism be it Chinese against Malays or vice versa. So we should all not be pulled into this web of hate spun by political leaders who believe making people hate Ahmad Ismail for what he said regardless of his past is the right thing to do. Because we all know its not the right thing to do.

Punish him and we would have proven those who already have hate in their hearts that they are right. We have better things to do then to dwell on what one man said. We have a country to fix an i have no time to dwell on trifles. Remember it was just one man. But punish him and you will see that he will have even more supporters just like Anwar.

p/s - Some NGO's Malay Based has already expressed their approval of Ahmad Ismail, be aware of this week when one of those NGO's start voicing out their opinions and their approval of Ahmad Ismail. When you shove one of the Malays, some will help him shove back. We'll see where it goes from there.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mantera Beradu

My favorite song of the week.
Lirik best.

Banyak juga words yang tak faham
walaupun dalam bahasa melayu
kamus dewan bahasa & pustaka warna hijau tak ada pulak
teringat pula nasihat cikgu bahasa melayu aku
Cikgu Ujang, beliau ada suruh beli
tapi aku ini malas pula nak membeli
kenapa kamus bahasa inggeris boleh beli
tapi kamus bahasa melayu tak terbeli
konon dah pandai melayu sangat la tu

Nah. liriknya. Hayatilah!

Masih belum sempurna..

Gerakkan Hati... Hati gerakkan...
Pandanglah aku.. aku lah dia..

kulitku tebal.. ku kebal.. ingatku kebal..
hanya berbual makan angin kembung perut mual...
resah dan tidak senang.. hidup tak pernah lenang..
ku schizo paranoia takut pecah tembelang

pecah tembelang... peta dah hilang...
bangau dah pulang... suara sumbang..

lidahku kaku tak selicin kuku
teman baikku buku
bini ku pena.. tak pernah lena
aku suka mengintai pantang ditenung
berakhir pertelingkahan dalaman
pasti belum

ikut gerak hati.. pena melayang
dilihat dua layang pandang
tak lah sekarang
takat meradang
tanya.. abang gedang, apa barang?
badan macam badang
main macam belakang parang

kuhunuskan keris musuh ada pistol
tradisi kekalkan adaptasi harus betul
tujuh baris keramat tujuh garis penamat
baik berpada biar jahat asal selamat

ramai saudaraku yang baik telah dipijak

awan mendung yang berarak
bawa tangis bawa resah
rebah rindu yang terkumpul
semua birat dan kalimah
semua janji yang terikat
lebur disisimu

yo ijazah terbaik datangnya dari jalanan
dari pengalaman bercakap dan bersalaman
konflik motivasi cuba medatasi
positif dan benci jadi inspirasi pagi

peduli itu interpretasi basi pekakkan sebelah
halang biar keduanya muka cantik
soalan bodoh yang ditanya jadi melodinya
lebih hina dari zina

lu bikin dosa ku bikin prosa
testosterone testarosa
citacita sosa kl kl kosa nostra
jalan berliku ku harung roller coaster
gah sentosa tiada penyesalan
luas pandangan jauh dah berjalan
tak sempurna masih ada kejanggalan
gagal merancang, merancang kegagalan

awan mendung yang berarak
bawa tangis bawa resah
rebah rindu yang terkumpul
semua birat dan kalimah
semua janji yang terikat
lebur disisimu

kucing bawa tidur rimau bawa igau
masuk tempat orang bawa otak bukan pisau

naik bukit angkuh cakap ayah jangan risau
turun bukit pucat dengar tiga miaww
kucing bawa tidur rimau bawa igau
masuk tempat orang bawa otak bukan pisau

tolak pintu gua tiga kerat tenaga
kosong tak dijaga sampai datang tiga naga
ingat nak berlaga tapi tak kan boleh menang
menang dengan otak tak mesti dengan pedang

sebelum jadi bangkai ikan koi renang renang
pura pura salah jawapan untuk naik berang
panggil lima kawan atau biar pergi laju
risaukan pekara remeh kita tak akan maju
muka sama hijau hati siapa tahu
merah dah menyala pasti mati siapa mahu
gagap tiga kali bercakap benar saja
bulan terang ramai yang keluar buat kerja

panjat pokok buluh cari tukun air terjun
naik sampai nampak dah terpegun turun
tiga ular ikut lompat atau paut
kalau lari mati jika jerut maut

awan mendung yang berarak
bawa tangis bawa resah
rebah rindu yang terkumpul
semua birat dan kalimah
semua janji yang terikat
lebur disisimu

puisi hati mu... hati mu puisi
palu hati ku palu hatiku

kulit tak besalin walau saling ganti baju
pandang sini pandang sini
ku berbahasa baku kata kata nahu
himpun jadi satu
mantera beradu dengan irama dan lagu

akhirnya sempurna....

p/s: tak tau nak letak gambar apa for this entry.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Childhood Memory

Found this while tidying up my magical box
which i kept all my artsy staff and colorful papers.

Given by my childhood kawan karib
who happened to be the most popular girl in primary school

God how I miss the school
and my childhood
and the girls
and the teachers

It's funny
though we are living in the same hometown
in the same Taman Rinting
we hardly find time to catch up with each other

Nasib baik kawan karib yang seorang ini
pandai buat blog
boleh keep in touch online

Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Angah!!!

Today is September 5, 2008
It’s my brother’s 19th birthday!!!

Happy Birthday, Angah!!!

This post is my online gift for you.
Sian birthday bulan puasa ye..
Takpe, perhaps later I’ll come to Seremban with Fee.

Selamat Hari Jadi~~
Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki,
Sihat tubuh badan
Cerdik akal fikiran
Cemerlang dunia akhirat.

I Thank God for giving me a great brother like you
who knows how to take care of the family
who knows when and how to advice the sisters (though sometimes it’s harsh)
I thank you. Syirah and me thank you.
you, who lead by example.

I hope and pray you stay/improve the way you are.
And may all your prayers and wishes come true.
I love you.

Happy Birthday, again.

Before this I had introduced my sister yang bermuke panjang kan?
Now let me introduce you to my “hidung-besar” brother!!!
How about me? Hmmph. Ok la. Diorang ejek aku muke jerawat. Cait~!!!
It’s ok, I am still cute despite the pimples. Haha.

He’s the first son of the family
which makes him the leader among us, the siblings.
He is so into design his Photoshop skills are better than mine. Damn.
He likes to take pictures. The camera selalu ada dengan dia. Tak aci!!
His hobby is tengok wayang kat cinema sorang-sorang
which I think he got it from my uncle, Pak Long.
Currently in International Baccalaureate (IB) program, Kolej Mara Seremban.
Going to pursue medicine oversea.

Ape? Status?
Hmmph. Entahlah. Tak dapat dicungkil.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How to Get Rid of Sadness

There will come a time in our life when no one and nothing could help us.
In which no single being can mend the deep cuts or kiss our sadness away.
Not even mothers, fathers, husbands, friends, strangers, or even pets.
You weep, you bleed.
You are hurt.
Not a soul can help you…..



It’s sad…
when we are happy we turn to loved ones, family, or friends….
we forget The One. We forget to thank Him for the Happiness.
It’s when we are drowning in deep crisis only we seek for Him.
What’s even sadder is when we refuse to think of Him, seek for Him
even though He’s closer than close, closer than our own pulse.

It’s because we are His creature…
We must have a strong bond with the Creator.

Why am I writing this piece?
because I am currently surrounded by sadness…
because I need to remind myself…
over and over again...
that I am not alone...
that we are not alone.

When you take it all away

With every sip
i got deeper....
With every taste
i fell deeper...
Then you take it all away....
And you take everything away...
The air that fill my lungs....
The drink that feeds my soul...
The soul that lights my heart....
the heart that was once mine....
you took everything away in one night.....
and now i remember....
i remember that it maybe vengeance...
it maybe smite.....
so be it.....
let me lay in the pool of blood you spilled...
what was once your blood...
is now mine....
what was once your pain....
have become mine....
ill drink to it....
even if with every sip....
ill die....
even when with every sip....
i lose..........

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A day without internet

Baby when the lights go out~
Every single word can not express, the love and tenderness~
I'll show you what it's all about~
Babe I swear you will so come to me, so baby come to me~
When the lights go out...~

by Five...

and i'd like to change it to...

O baby when the internet goes down~
Every single work can not be done, annoyed and oh so stress~
I'll show you what i did to cool down~
Babe i swear you will so gonna like it, and also wanna do it~
O when the internet goes down..~

by Bubbly Summer...


Allow me to present you..................... my Virtual-Crafts!!!!


one more craft can be seen here.

p/s: Siapa nak tempah, boleh sms ke nombor 012-312xxxx

O People, Ramadhan has come!

Ucapan pertama,

Kami, Sabrina & Hanafee ingin meminta maaf,
jika kami ada terkasar bahasa, terkecik hati,
termakan terminum terambil terguna
dan semua ter-ter.
Sesungguhnya yang baik itu datang dari Allah
dan yang buruk itu datang dari kelemahan kami sendiri.
Maafkan kami.

Ucapan kedua,
Salaam Ramadhan dan Selamat Berpuasa Semua!!!
Semoga Ramadhan kita mendapat keberkatanNya.
Semoga kita dibimbing ke jalan yang lurus,
Jalan orang terdahulu yang Dia beri nikmat,
dan bukan jalan orang yang dimurkai dan sesat.
Semoga kita berjaya melawan pujuk rayuan nafsu sendiri.

Ucapan ketiga,

Below is a poem written by Abu Dujanah As-Somaali.
It’s beautiful. Want to share it with you.

O People! The Master of the months (Ramadan) has come to you
With Allah's mercy and blessings – elevating your heart in virtue!

Hence, be ready and steady to fast from the first light of day to dusk
For the breath of the fasting one is sweeter than the aroma of musk

And by your firm will - devote your time to the reading of Al- Qur’an
For it is indeed the best of all months in the estimation of Ar- Rahman

O People! Ramadan is the month of sacrifice and fasting
Where the reward of ennobled deeds are multiplied and are everlasting

A meritorious season to learn self-discipline, self-restraint and generosity
Thus, let piety mark every action of yours and do good deeds with sincerity

O People! The glorious month of salvation is a period for spiritual reflection
And a worhty time to spend with family and friends in pursuit of purification

For it is a way of (spiritually) nourishing the mind from evilness and its attacks
An eloquent time to strengthen the will power for self control from sinful acts

O People! The blessed month of compassion is an ideal time for Muslims to fast
A tremendous opportunity for Ramadan to purify from us sins of the past

And the fruits of Taqwa remain the most valuable fruits of fasting with tolerance
For Ramadan is a treasure from (Allah) to be away from the worldly indulgence

Its days are the best among the days and its nights are the best among nights
Its hours are the best among the hours and its joy like a rose that spreads lights

O People! The Exalted month of piety has a Night of Power that the Lord grants
And in the Manifest Book a night of this month is better than a thousand months

And O (faithful) slaves of the Most Beneficent, the All-Powerful and All-Capable
The month of seclusion has come to us from the healer of (souls) so honorable!

Therefore, strive for all (righteousness) hath is what purifies the hearts and souls
But know! Humbling devotedly before the Lord is the believer’s topmost of goals.

Monday, September 1, 2008

what are you thinking???

As i browsed the bookmark pages on my bookmark tabs and read entries and comments of all the blogs that i read, i found this one entry which was commented. His entry was regarding the victory of DSAI in Permatang Pauh and of course it effect in a national sense. What strikes me is not that content of the blog but rather the comment left by one particular reader in which he/she suggest something i found offensive. The comment wrote and i quote

"Keamanan palsu lebih teruk dari peperangan terbuka..."

I found myself mulling over this idea of war and how open he was to it....

This is what i think, any kind of peace is better than any kind of war, the peace that he so called says is fake, is the reason why anyone has an education, why he has a computer to write on, an internet connection to use, a place to voice his opinions, while in war, there is only death, killing and destruction.

I know not the preference of this comment, but i honestly found it disturbing that someone who have ever lived in Malaysia find the idea of war a better solution to the "fake" peace we have today.

How can this person who have never experience a war believe that it is ever a solution??? Have you ever killed a man? Would you like to? Have you ever held a dying man in your arms whose only worry is that his family will never knew he died? Have you never looked at pictures of children who have become the victim of war and natures malnutrition?? Have you ever stop to think that the peace you have no matter how fake and trivial it may seem to you is the reason people flee from other countries and into ours? Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the reason that you are even still breathing is because of this fake peace????

I am not one for war, war should never even be an option. War has always been the last resort, and i doubt that our nation would need to resort to war regarding the political differences we are currently having. And unless you can tell me that you have been in a war before, that you have placed a dying mans head on the ground before so you could continue to kill others because their ideas differ from yours, then please.... mention not this absurd idea of war, you have no idea what you are asking for.