Today is September 5, 2008
It’s my brother’s 19th birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, Angah!!!
This post is my online gift for you.
Sian birthday bulan puasa ye..
Takpe, perhaps later I’ll come to Seremban with Fee.
Selamat Hari Jadi~~
Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki,
Sihat tubuh badan
Cerdik akal fikiran
Cemerlang dunia akhirat.
I Thank God for giving me a great brother like you
who knows how to take care of the family
who knows when and how to advice the sisters (though sometimes it’s harsh)
I thank you. Syirah and me thank you.
you, who lead by example.
I hope and pray you stay/improve the way you are.
And may all your prayers and wishes come true.
I love you.
Happy Birthday, again.
Before this I had introduced my sister yang bermuke panjang kan?
Now let me introduce you to my “hidung-besar” brother!!!
How about me? Hmmph. Ok la. Diorang ejek aku muke jerawat. Cait~!!!
It’s ok, I am still cute despite the pimples. Haha.
It’s my brother’s 19th birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, Angah!!!
This post is my online gift for you.
Sian birthday bulan puasa ye..
Takpe, perhaps later I’ll come to Seremban with Fee.
Selamat Hari Jadi~~
Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki,
Sihat tubuh badan
Cerdik akal fikiran
Cemerlang dunia akhirat.
I Thank God for giving me a great brother like you
who knows how to take care of the family
who knows when and how to advice the sisters (though sometimes it’s harsh)
I thank you. Syirah and me thank you.
you, who lead by example.
I hope and pray you stay/improve the way you are.
And may all your prayers and wishes come true.
I love you.
Happy Birthday, again.
Before this I had introduced my sister yang bermuke panjang kan?
Now let me introduce you to my “hidung-besar” brother!!!
How about me? Hmmph. Ok la. Diorang ejek aku muke jerawat. Cait~!!!
It’s ok, I am still cute despite the pimples. Haha.

He’s the first son of the family
which makes him the leader among us, the siblings.
He is so into design his Photoshop skills are better than mine. Damn.
He likes to take pictures. The camera selalu ada dengan dia. Tak aci!!
His hobby is tengok wayang kat cinema sorang-sorang
which I think he got it from my uncle, Pak Long.
Currently in International Baccalaureate (IB) program, Kolej Mara Seremban.
Going to pursue medicine oversea.
Ape? Status?
Hmmph. Entahlah. Tak dapat dicungkil.
ade muka ko ckt kn sab. tapi kalo ko x ltak 19th birthday, mest aku ingt die skolah agi. hee. awet muda you. =p
Happy bday angah... Ladies.. Dr in the house... ehem ehem... er sesaper nak number dier bleh mintak dekat sayer.... hehehe promote promote hhhhahahaha
huuu~ hepi besday angah!! mke die tul2 cm sab.. tp smart r future doctor ni... wuuuu~
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