Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Summer's Christmas Gift
Hellew!! *cheerful expression*. How was your Christmas everyone? Hopefully, it was filled with Happiness, Blessings and Joy.
Since we don't celebrate Christmas, so we didn't exchange gifts. However, my family and I went window shopping for flooring and WHITE bedroom set. Note, white. I was excited like hell! Can't wait to have a brand new look for my room. Wee~ Currently am sharing the room with my sister, and soon with future husband, wahahaha *naughty laugh*. And of course, my sister has to sleep somewhere else. =P Anyway, that's not the main topic now.
The highlight of this post is................ after one year being a working lady....I finally got myself a gift! Yay! A handsome Country Hide classic leather messenger bag. Since i'm hyperactive (haha), but still i want comfort, style and function all wrapped in one....so the bag is perfect! Oh, what makes it even more perfect is the fact that it was chosen by Hanafee when he came here three weeks ago. *smiles*
My HANDSOME bag has a name. It is Hyun Joong. Wahahhahaha. You don't know who Kim Hyun Joong is? Go google! =D
p/s: Did you get yourself a gift?
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
How to be a lecturer

Someone once told me its not an easy job to be a lecturer. The burden of shaping the minds of tomorrow is a burden people do not envy. How you act and react in class will ultimately shape the course of the future. Being a lecturer has its ups and downs. Regardless of whether it is the private or the government sector, lecturers are held to a certain level of standard that no other human beings are held to. My Boss once told me there are two things you need in order to be a good lecturer.
1) Knowledge.
Without adequate knowledge of your field it will be very difficult to be a lecturer. No matter what field you are currently in right now, anyone, anytime can be a lecturer. Given of course that you are prepared to answer anything and everything about your field. Some people go through their entire University/College life without ever really loving their field or getting to know the field. Thus they develop an insecurity that there are still things about their field they might not know about. I think its called a field of study because a field is where you go to have fun. You run, skip, hop, jump, and play on a field. The better you know your field the better player you would be and the more fun you would tend to have on them. So knowing your field well would definitely be an advantage considering you dont want your students outplaying you in your own field. So if youre looking to further a career in lecturing, being an expert in your field would definitely be an enticing deal.
2) Passion
For what it is worth, i believe this is the most important element in any lecturer or teaching position for that matter. Passion affects not only your performance, but most of all it affects the effectiveness of your teaching approach. As most of you might be aware of, there is a large variety of teaching approaches available, but all of it would be like a gun without bullets if you dont have the passion to teach. Always wanting to perform well in class would give your students a sense where they too need to be better, they too need to perform. Regardless of whether your scream at your students or persuade them into doing what you want, without passion, gun without bullets. But also remember that too much passion isnt a good thing as well, most people or norma people are laid back and passion tires them, so you do not want to have too much passion that you start tiring your students, but not too little that you start to look tired.
Although these two things are said to be the most important thing in being a lecturer, I believe there is another element that is just as important. Knowledge, Passion and the Passion for Knowledge.
The best teacher is also the best student. The one questions the most, the one who has almost all the answers, the one who realizes that there a certain things you just dont know, the one who speaks but not too much, and sits quietly but not too much. The one with the out of the box idea, the one who keeps wondering how everything works. The one with the thirst to learn and the hunger to know. Have adequate knowledge, Have passion for teaching, and have a passion for knowledge in its entirety.
About getting a teaching position. There a large amount of education institutions that are just dying for teaching man-power (and woman-power as well) and you should keep your eye out on vacancies that might open up in the private and government sector. Other than that, count your lucky stars because after that it all depends on whos the lucky one.
Hope this helps! Da!
Monday, December 21, 2009
How to be a lecturer (Funny Version)

Here are something you will need to avoid if you are serious for a career in lecturing.
During the interview:-
"Can you tell us a bit about your field?"
"Well lots of children play football on it in the evening.... the grass is green too..."
"Which part of the brain controls speech?"
"Somewhere around the head lah kot."
"Can you apply the theories of Physics to teaching?"
"Yes, the higher the velocity of my cane the more pain the student will endure."
"Tell us something bad about yourself"
"I hate reading."
"Do you know who Eisenhower is?"
"errr.... A football player?"
"Do you know its not good to answer a question with a question?"
"Are you able to execute other duties other than teaching?"
"Ehh I appy jadi lecturer lah... apahal plak kena buat benda lain?"
"Out of a hundred students, how many of them do you think would pass your subject?"
"All of them!"
"Which method of teaching do you think most suits you?"
"Tulis kat papan putih pastu suruh salin.... esok check.... kalau tak salin rotan lah..."
p/s - Untuk pengetahuan semua... Ini adalah jawapan beberapa manusia yang pernah diinterview untuk menjadi lecturer.... I worry for the academic world.
p/s and p/s - Will write the serious version tomorrow hahaha
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Its been more than a year since i started settling at my current job as a lecturer and over the past year, I have changed in more ways i could have ever imagined. When i first worked there as a lecturer, i was treated with an earful of bad things about the company i work in. Low salary pay, no benefits, impossible levels of achievement to justify increment, low paying bonuses and much more. Trust me to list everything here would take up three days to write.
It came to a certain point in my life there that i realized a few things. These people who dont like the company, still comes to work, everyday, doing the same thing theyve been doing for years. They arent looking for another job, they just dont like working here but moving is too much of a hassle. Yet, they hate the company to the heat of a thousand suns. Then i asked myself, these seniors, these so-called talented people who demand they be paid the right amount, why are they still here? Is it because they are less qualified to work somewhere else? if they are, lets say less qualified, then where does the confidence to demand come from?
Im not saying i agree totally on company policies. Trust me, ill be the first to admit that, but i always think to myself, there is always a way around the "system". For example:-
"Nak Bonus kena buat tiga program yang disertai oleh sekurang-kurangnya 50 orang pelajar."
You want the bonus money? Well you do exactly that. Three programs joined exactly byb fifty students. And once youve done it, and you dont get the bonus, then you rebel. Rebelling without cause is just plain childish.
Now the one thing that pisses me off is the fact that these so called seniors (people who came before you did) are usually persistent. they dont stop with you, they even look towards those people who came after you, and long after those juniors are gone, they'll still be there working at the same desk doing the same thing, everyday.
I am a man who believes that you should make the best out of a bad situation. Yes work is bad, yes the company sucks, but its our job to make things better and not just sit and whine about it. It takes a lot to make people change, i know, but if we dont try we'll never know. This past few months, ive been trying to distract myself with work. I work my ass off and hope that when i get home, im too tired to even think about how messed up my life is. And in two months, i can feel the emotional reward already rolling in. Now about money.... I wont lie, ive thought about it, but i think it is what it is, a bonus, if you get it then Alhamdulillah, if you dont, then work harder. But the emotional and psychological acknolwedgement is almost good enough to get me through the day. When someone looks at you and tells you "Good job!" or "Youre one of a kind". The feeling is exhilirating. But then yes, i cant be stuck with the same amount their paying me forever. So yes, i want a better salary. But theyve seen what i can do. with a better salary, i can only get better. Ive made my move, ive done what is needed, ive fulfilled the requirements, Im a good worker. Company, your move!
Make the best out of a bad situation, affect the people around you in a positive way, dont let them affect you negatively. Smile! Be greatful when others are credited, work harder if you wanna be credited at the same level. Be passionate about your job. Dont expect too much in return, be honest, dont look too much on what others are doing, focus more on your job. Always look at the potential and not the restrictions. Be innovative, be smart, be fast. Dont procrastinate or procrastinate but not too much. Dont forget to relax. When youve had a long day, reward yourself but not too much. If you did something wrong, berate yourself but not too much. Always stand close to your convictions. Adapt. Congratulate your friends. Think out of the box. Be brave, Take risks. Have fun.
Im 24 turning 25 in 2010. Ive worked at the same company for roughly a year and two months. Im young, im inexperienced, im easily distracted, im scared of new horizons, and i fear being irrelevant. I dont wanna complain about it. I wanna do something about it. I wanna stop fearing, i wanna stop being distracted, i wanna walk on new horizons. But most of all, "we were all meant to shine like children do, its not just in some of us, its in all of us, and as we let our own light shine, we unconciously give others permission to do the same, as we are liberated from our own fear."
Friday, December 18, 2009
Selamat 1 Muharam

Sadly, my 1430 ended with tears and harsh words. Was too sad plus angry.. my eyes got teary.. people could see. I reached home, it was already Maghreb. Too late for me to recite the dua'a. My heart was broken. It's like when you see a light shining through an open door and when you are about to step your foot in, the door closes, and there's a voice behind the door saying "Sorry, you are not accepted here. Maybe next time". I think that this is a message from God to a sinner like me. *sads*
But that is okay. There are always other doors. Yesterday's was just a test... just a test from Him.
So, how did your 1430 end?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Twenty-three to twenty-ten

2. End of this month, my bff Emi is going to get engaged. Yay!! Christmas falls on Friday and the Engagement on Saturday, in Kuantan, Pahang. Am going to be working on that Saturday! I don't know what am I going to do about it... what i know is... i have to make a plan. Emi, if you are reading this, trust me, i so wanna be there for you but i can't promise, k?
3. I've been working in a new company for 6 weeks now. Am gonna share my first job-hopping experience with you, soon. *smiles*
4. Access to Blogger is blocked at the new company. That's why no new posts from me lately. Hehe
5. But that's okay! Since i can't blog at the office, so i will make scheduled posts! For your information, yesterday's post and this post are scheduled posts. There's gonna be more scheduled posts later on. *winks*
6. I think i'm beginning to lose my writing and communication skills in English, or maybe it's the confidence? Hmmph.
7. Anyway, Hanafee came here last weekend. Enough said. *Floating in the air* Haha.
8. Again, Twenty-three more days to year twenty-ten. Wow. Are you ready people??
Monday, December 7, 2009
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