Sadly, my 1430 ended with tears and harsh words. Was too sad plus angry.. my eyes got teary.. people could see. I reached home, it was already Maghreb. Too late for me to recite the dua'a. My heart was broken. It's like when you see a light shining through an open door and when you are about to step your foot in, the door closes, and there's a voice behind the door saying "Sorry, you are not accepted here. Maybe next time". I think that this is a message from God to a sinner like me. *sads*
But that is okay. There are always other doors. Yesterday's was just a test... just a test from Him.
So, how did your 1430 end?
My 1430 ended with tears too.. and.. hmm.. a broken heart.
You can read it at my blog.. and my hamster's blog.
Its hurt to lose someone you love so much.
Oh dear.
hurm.. my 1430 end by sitting in this bash. and whisper to myself.. by saying...
"I should let him go.. there's no a way that i can get him..."
so, azam tahun ini.. let man catch me! keh3.. bole ke cm tu sab?
how my 1430 ended?
thinking on which path should i take..hehhe..
sebenarnya, diri ni lalai, petang khamis tu tak teringat langsung awal muharram. bile mum call n ingatkan baru teringat.huhuuh..so sad~
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