This week has been a confusing week. It started out great with Summer then bad things began to happen one by one. So since its a Sunday an its a big possibility i might be staying out of the sun tomorrow, so here it is, my weekend review of bad luck with glimmer or nice things here and there.
It was monday the day after my faculty dinner which went amazing. My girlfriend looked amazing and even though she insists on telling me it was a plain baju kurung, i think the effort that she came to KL dressed up and paid attention to my clothes was amazing. I liked it when she helped me with my blazer making it look good and that glimmer in her eyes when she saw me for the first time wearing something so nice and how she reacted to my like lecturer saying "Wow for once you actually look good, selalunya selekeh" she looked at me with those i-dont-mind-eyes and laughed and i looked at her and i saw the girl i fell in love with. She talked and chatted with so much class and elegance anyone could have. She held herself to such a high esteem and even had the courage to place a flower in my blazer while i was singing. Man united won against Arsenal that night 2-1 an amazing curling free kick by owen hargreaves.
little that i know that was going to be the start of a bad week. Ehem ehem
After sending Summer to the Bus Station, i left and got stuck in a 3 hour traffic jam. Yes ladies and gentlemen 3 whole hours. Thursday around 11 pm Aizad asked for a favor which left me with a car that had its brakes jammed and someone ran over it. It was getting sour. Went to the police station and it started getting bitter. This is what he said..
"Korang salah ni akta 48 halangan... mana bleh letak keta macam tu..."
"Aik? takkan kot, kita orang dah letak kon kecemasan, on emergency light... apa lagi kita orang nak buat?"
"Korang patut tunggu situ and make sure traffic pegi tepi..."
"Dah tu kalau saya tunggu situ and cina mabuk tu langgar saya nanti macam maner?"
"Kalau dia langgar kamu, dia lah salah.."
That was idiotic. simply put he was saying that my life is worth much less than a car.
Everything got downhill from there.... and tonight man united drew a game which if they won they wouldve won the title. Tomorrow is another day and I'm hoping it goes my way. Most of the time i dont curse my luck, its been great so far... im just hoping it gets better soon because if it doesnt, before the semester is over, im gonna be broken in half *sigh*.
For all of you who dont know me that well... i dont usually whine or curse... but sumtimes S**t happens and I wanna say it out loud!!!!
hehe .. nice one pek , im the one who shud be blame on the accident , im the one who asked him in the 1st place , and my cousin is the one who ask to left the car a.k.a Pajero/Kar menurut Sergent Md Zin , im the one that shud be blame , but u doesn't blame me .. to bad .. lalala~ .. anyway , naseb balang aku dengan ko skang .. huhu ..
hmm.. polis ni tak semua boleh pecaye lah..
lain kali kiter kene amik nombor id police.
eh, ntah ntah akta tu tak penah wujud... hmm.. dier saje tipu buat muke confident.
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