Yesterday, I boarded bus at 8.30am and arrived safely in Pekeliling at 11.15am. Thank God, less dizziness in the bus coz I didn’t place my head against the head rest of the seat. Otherwise, wooziness guaranteed. I did sleep in the bus though. How did I sleep without resting my head against the head rest? That, you have to imagine. *Raise eyebrow*
There’s no one to fetch me up. Uncle, Aunt, Cousin Sis was working and Bf was tired, he needed rest. Plus I insisted I wanted to go back by myself (Ceh,konon-konon independent and understanding la. Hehe.)
And so I boarded Monorail from Pekeliling to KL Central. Then, I switched to Putra from KL Central to Taman Bahagia. And finally, took a cab to home. Only RM3.50. (Ngeh ngeh ngeh. Yes, I don’t like to take bus.) Arrived safely around 1.30pm. Then called mom, bf, uncle and cousin sis, telling them I had arrived in one piece.
Dizziness came when I was in those trains… couldn’t control it so I vomited in Taman Bahagia station’s “restroom”. =(
That’s normal (At least for me) coz it had happened before. Perhaps coz I didn’t have breakfast and lunch. But even if my stomach wasn’t empty, I would still vomit. *shrugs*
Suara aku lah itu... hehehehe
AHAHA.. bestnya gaya tido.. HEBAT!!
kalu kaknoi kan..x kira la naik bas ke flight ke..
masuk je dlm bas/flight.. da lentok..HAHAHA
klo dlm flight hanya akan bangun time pramugari sorong troli makanan..huehuehe
(teruk betul)
Sab, gmbr 2 aku wat wallpaper aku.. Cantek sgt.. hee
salam. ehem. btw its "sentral" not "central". thank you.
owh, suara ko ek pjoy? =P
kak noi, maybe kite dua ade travel sickness.
Ain, takpe. aku tak kesah. buat la wallpaper. hehe.
syarat? Din parut, napek's friend right? Oh, sentral ek? ok ok . hehe. thank you betulkan. =)
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