Sunday, July 19, 2009

Have a colorful weekend!!

Dear (say your name here),

Please consider these colorful rocks as my gift to you.

If you feel like your life is colorless, think of this gift.
I hope and wish you have a bright colorful day on this Sunday.
No matter how tired you are, think of my colorful rocks.
I can make you smile and color you life beautiful.

p/s: Which color do you like?


♥ Teacher Nonoi ♥ said...

I want it all~ coz I always want to make my life as colorful as possible.
Tapi cam tamak le plak kan kalau nak ambil semua. Hahaha.

So, No purple????
I want purple rock.

youramoi said...

to commenter above, ade2 purple colour.
and its beside black colour
i want black and purple!

♥ Teacher Nonoi ♥ said...

yep manje.. found it! so, you love purple too?

Kak Noi nak pink ngan putih gak! HAHAHA (dah start dah tamak haloba)

AnEs said...

yeye..i want red!

`narumi said...

orange of course ^^

Sabrina said...

nanti i'll make you girls something with your fav. colors ^_^

AnEs said...

Sab, narumi bukan girls k0t..hehe