Sorry for the intro which has got nothing to do with the title. *Maaf*
I would like to promote this one website which is....
I subscribe the website with my Google Reader because I LOVE ALL THE PHOTOS SHE CAPTURED!!! Sangat cantik ok. Perfect.
Ada tak sesiapa yang boleh ambil gambar macam dia? Or ada kenal sesiapa yang boleh ambil gambar cam kari crowe tu?? Do let me know eh? *smiles*
Question of the day: Why oh why omputih punye wedding macam simple yet classy and macam tak banyak makan duit je??
Ada tak sesiapa yang boleh ambil gambar macam dia? Or ada kenal sesiapa yang boleh ambil gambar cam kari crowe tu?? Do let me know eh? *smiles*
Question of the day: Why oh why omputih punye wedding macam simple yet classy and macam tak banyak makan duit je??
suke garden wedding ek?
tu la kan,it looks so simple
but i guess its because they don't invite up to 1000 guest like we do for kenduri kahwin right?
i think paling ramai pun 500 jew.
maybe that's why kot they can do it so simple =)
she loves garden weddings manje... Id love a simple ceremony like that... just a hundred of the closest people in my life and no one else. that ought to be fun...
betullah, kita ni ada yg invite up to 3000. serious. dont be shocked. It's true. =O I was like, bapak banyak gile jemput orang!!
plus, the mat sallehs can have any kind of themes for their wedding because their parents listen to them, not the other way round. I mean parents tak masuk campur tangan sangat. Here, we must consider our parents, makcik, pakcik, atok nenek thoughts. heheheh. Dont u think so? Baik baik kita nak buat simple -our way, tetiba jadi cam besar pulak. Hahaha.
Kalaulah kita dapat invite orang-orang yg paling rapat sahaja...tentu kegembiraan itu benar-benar bermakna. =)
Yea..weddings in Malaysia mmg sangat over the top and byk pakai duit.Pfft!Nak kahwin pun susah..lol.
Sometimes I do feel like family should listen to our opinion about stuff like this.It's our wedding anyway and we're not living in zaman tok kadok nemore..lol.Tapi nnt org cop kite ni..xrespect dorg lak kan?Hm..susah2.
Neway,try this site.. www.anna-rina.com .She takes nice photos.
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