On the 25th Of July 2009, Malaysia, lost one of its best daughter. She has colored the lives of Malaysians despite all the current going against her. She was a stern person, some would go as far as calling her a bitch, but it was those few characteristics that made her extraordinary. On the 26th of July, we laid her to rest.
She gave us love in Gubra and Sepet, redefine love with music in talentime. Always asking the big question of why cant we all just get along??
To Yasmin...
You are hard, stern, immeasurably filled with controversies, yet you face everything with finesse and elegance. Your lost is a lost for humanity, your passing is the death of questioning mediocrity. In a society filled of conformity and stereotypes, you rose above you ranks and proved that different is unique, different is to be celebrated not feared, and for that you will forever be remembered in our memories.
Yasmin Ahmad
(July 1958 - July 2009)
Friend, Mother, Sister, Poet
This is a touching post,coz we've lost a diamond.She was one of a kind.And long before our PM Najib proposed the 1malaysia concept,dear Yasmin initiated it first through her commercials and films..captivating us with the essence of unity and multiracial/religious harmony in Malaysia.
May she rest in peace.Inalillah..
=( wanted to write a post about her too...but u already did.. thank you.. =)
and still belum tengok muallaf lagi.. =(
How about her coming japanese film, Wasurenagusa (Forget Me Not)?? =( diteruskan ke? who's gonna direct it?
i don't know her but i miss her. funny but true. despite all the negative words people said, i still adore her.
kalau tahu pasal adik dia lebih awal, sudah tentu dah lama suruh daddy mintak autograph. =(
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