When Sabrina messaged me complaining that she was under worked and overpaid, I laughed my ass off. It was funny, the boredom was getting to her and i thought it was ironically funny that people nowadays found it something to whine about. (Kalau org dulu dorg punyer complain terbalik). Overworked and underpaid.
I stood up in the office and looked around my office. For those of you who are not familiar with this blog... firstly - We're the coolest and if you've only read about us for the first time, where have you been your whole life?? hahahha and secondly, i work as a Jr. Lecturer in a private college in KL. Standing up i saw few of the brightest minds I have ever met either fixed on a screen of scrabble game, some pikachu tile game and women are digging those cooking games (potong-potong sayur then masak, aku panggil game anti-feminis mintak perempuan conform).
Then it occured to me, we are a generation of whiners. Even in my office people whine.
"Bosannya takder keje"
"Bosannya ader keje"
If whining was an Olympic sport we'd win gold hands down. I see comfortable heads on small cushions wrapped in a gold threaded casing (alah kalau org bersanding dorg guna lapik tangan tu) nasib baik bunyi macam kucing tido, kalau bunyi macam kereta kebal mau mengamuk bos aku. Itu referring to dengkuran yang comel gadis gadis yang tak kisah tetido.
So are we that imfamous generation destined for mediocrity and un-greatness. Destined to be stuck in a dead end job for ages only to realize at 40 that, our capacity has never been challenged much less used in the past 4 decades.
I for one choose not to sit down and do nothing. There are some boring work stuff im working on so ill skip that hahah. Im also learning how to make those origami swans!!! always wanted to learn but thought it was too girly and afraid my friends would think it was too girly. Try telling me that to my face now (raising my fist to the air).
One more, i found this online war game at Envoy.com fun im at server 23 people if you wanna find me. Lowcross Lionheart hahahah so there, two things im doing just to fill the time hehe byeeeee people.......
syok la tu..
under worked but overpaid..
nak kerja like that!
damn. the main intention in writing this post is just to tell the world i'm a whiner and he's the ermm.. the awesome-employee-even-the-boring-work-won't-bore-him. Pfftt!! =P
oi maner ader... saya pun whine jugak lah... hahaaha
cute ;P
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